Chapter 5

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In a high-tech lab south of Caravan street, a man pressed a button on his phone. The crab-like robot from the expo entered into the spacious high ceiling lab through open double doors. Its underbelly opened, a telescopic arm retrieved the Super Processor, and handed it to the man's outstretched hand.

The robot walked over to a round device on the floor alongside a nearby wall to recharge. The man strode purposefully to large manufacturing machinery and attached the processor into a slot of the main terminal. He typed on a keyboard a bit, then studied the monitor's data.

Finally, it's almost time. They'll be sorry for 'letting me go.'

He drank from his water bottle, looked to his phone, and found the person he wanted to call.

Time to get paid, he thought in satisfaction.


A modern mix of east and west decor was prevalent in the popular San Fransokyo hotel the girls had chosen to stay at. The color scheme of white, black, and red complemented the glass and chrome interior tastefully. Exotic large potted plants and impressive paintings and prints decorated the lobby, while upbeat instrumental music at low volume played for the enjoyment of all.

Early the following morning, the girls went through their morning routines and were ready for the day. After they finished breakfast downstairs in the pleasant dining area, Clover's X-Powder hummed.

She opened the device. "Hey Jerry," she answered. A few other people were around the area chatting, but none near enough to hear her call or see the small hologram of the man that popped out of the gadget.

"Hello Clover, I have some new information," he replied cheerfully.

Clover frowned a bit. "But Jer, with that super hero team... do you think we're even needed anymore?" she asked, concerned.

"Excellent question," he replied. "I've researched our heroes, and while they're quite capable, they are not seasoned spies." The girls looked to him in interest. "Let me explain our next step and why that is of importance," he said.


West of downtown, closer to S.F. Park, was the Lucky Cat Cafe. As usual, the wood interior cheery corner cafe bustled with activity on a Saturday morning. A wall-mounted flat screen TV was on low volume, while pop music rang out of speakers a bit louder. Yesterday, Hiro and his friends agreed to reconvene here the next morning. Hiro's Aunt, Cass, ran the business, and the two of them lived above the popular cafe.

Wasabi, Honey, Fred, and Go Go were at a rectangular wood table, and sipped a variety of beverages.

Hiro sat on a tall stool, turned away from the window counter to face them, and held a smoothie.

"I found out where the robot arm is from," he said. The others looked to him with varying degrees of admiration at that. He drank for a moment in contentment.

"Nice work, little man!" Fred said with gusto, echoed by similar compliments from the others.

"Comes from a bowling pin machine at S.F. Bowl," he said, and waited for reactions.

Wasabi shifted in his seat, eyebrow cocked. "Did not see that coming," he said, then looked from Hiro to the others.

"We're dealing with a bowling-theme villain?" wondered Go Go quietly. "Lame," she added flatly.

Honey Lemon smirked, then furrowed her brows. "So should we suit up and check out the place after it closes?" she asked hesitantly. "Or just go there now like this?" she added, and gestured to the group.

Hiro thought and narrowed his eyes slightly. "It closes at eleven. I'd be dead tired. Maybe Baymax can stay here for now," he admitted. The others nodded in agreement.

"We've never broken into a business before," Wasabi chimed in, index finger raised.

"Probably set off an alarm," Go Go said with a frown, her mind working through scenarios. "I don't want us to be on the bad side of the police," she said.

Fred finished off his drink and gave her a thumbs up. "Let's just go bowling," he said and rose to his feet, which prompted the others to do so as well.

Honey Lemon looked in concern to Hiro. "I guess we can use Skymax to bring our suits over if we need to do hero work," she said.

Hiro thought for a bit and looked to Wasabi, who gazed off in a few moments of thought.

After the others agreed, Hiro waved to Aunt Cass, who was busy at the register with customers. Her peripheral vision caught Hiro and the others, and the short-haired brunette woman waved back. "Bye sweetie! See you guys!" she called out, then smiled to the amused customers who looked from the departing group back to Cass.

A/N: Thanks so much for sticking with this story. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed.

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