Chapter 8

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The Wave Rider went back to Central City 2017 after rescuing Kara, Oliver, Snart and Sara from 1962. Barry, Jax and Ray came inside Star Labs cortex being followed by the others as the rest of the team applauded them.

- You guys have to tell me what it was like to live in the 60's after all of this is over – Cisco said, greeting all of them.

- We will tell you everything Cisco, but first... What now? – Kara said looking at everyone worried. – How do we stop them? And save Iris and Joe?

- What about Damien Dhark? – Nate asked

- Locked in the cell of Wave Rider and Rip's there as well. Gideon is working on fixing Rip and Damien... Well, he will be knocked out for a long time – Sara said while hugging everyone – I missed you guys.

Mick spent the entire time looking at Snart with uncertainty in his eyes. He wasn't sure how to deal with the fact that his partner in crime was back. He walked towards Snart, looking at him serious.

- You are scaring me, Mick – Snart said finding all of that really weird. Sara told him but to live it, it was crazy. He was their enemy once, especially Barry Allen. It was insane that his future self would be a hero, someone that helped others and did good things.

- It was hard watching you go... Now you are back, a version of you...It's weird.

- I'm sure Mick means he missed you... - Sara said getting closer to them.

- Yeah... Whatever – Mick said hugging his friends briefly and walking away.

- It's a really nice reunion, but we have to focus... – Oliver said getting everyone's attention

Caitlin came out of the medical area as she saw everyone gathered at the cortex. She walked to Barry, hugging him.

- It's nice to see you did it – She smiled – Guys – She looked at everyone – I told the rest of team Arrow to stay in Star City to protect it while we deal with everything that is going on here. Amaya is stable finally, but I ordered her to rest and recover. She is in no position to do anything.

- Well, we need to contact the Legion. Cisco, can you vibe me there?

Cisco smiled, putting his glasses on and holding Barry by the arm.

A flash of white and blue lighting appeared before them and in a matter of seconds; Cisco and Barry were in the middle of a dusty and dark room. Iris and Joe were sat in a chair, tied up together and unconscious. Barry looked at them and felt desperate. He needed to save them; it killed him to see his loved ones like that. He looked around and saw Eobard and Malcolm talking in a corner and looking at their watches.

- Hey! – Barry said to them as walking closer to where they were

- Look who decided to show up... Where is the spear? – Malcolm said walking towards Barry.

- I'm not actually here, but that's not important... I will give you the spear. But first, you will let Iris and Joe go and bring them to Star Labs. Once they are safe and sound, I will give the spear to you. We all agreed it's for the best and their lives are way more important than a stupid object. This is our offer.

- How can I know that this isn't a trap? – Eobard said looking at Barry suspiciously.

- You can't. You will have to trust me.

Eobard looked at Malcolm and then back at Barry, full of doubts, but his need for the spear was greater than anything else.

- Ok. We will bring them. Then, the spear is mine or everyone else will die, because I will not hesitate on killing everyone, do you understand? And I will do it in a matter of seconds, so you or your speedster friends won't be able to stop me.

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