Chapter 2

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Sara had her foot in the neck of that strange guy named Fel Andar while he lay in the ground, helpless. The others surrounded them, ready to attack if necessary. The story he told them was really weird and something were off.

- I'm telling you – He said with some difficulty since Sara pressed her foot harder on his neck. – I'm their son.

- I'm afraid we are going to need some proof – Oliver told him as he aimed at his face.

- Listen, this is important...

- Maybe we should at least hear him? – Kara said looking at others. As she approached him. – I can hold him so he won't try anything and you can ask him some questions – She told Sara as she picked the guy from the floor, easily holding him with both her hands.

Sara looked in his eyes and asked in a serious tone, crossing her arms in her chest.

- Tell us why we should believe you!

- Listen, in my year the world is almost ending. My parents joined a team called Legion of Superheroes...

- What's with this name that everyone loves it? – Mick said scratching his head

- At least it looks like they are no villains – Ray said in a cheerful way, wondering about this team and losing his focus on the conversation.

- They gave him this ring – He showed the golden item with an L carved on it. – This allows me to travel to the past or the future. They got hurt and gave me so I could find you guys. When I arrived in 2017, where they told me to find you, three guys kidnapped me. A dark haired guy with a black suit and some bow and arrows, a really old and creepy blue eyed guy and a blonde guy that has a strange gift to run really fast.

- Nice... Legion of Doom – Jax said with no patience at all

- And what they wanted around here? Do you know it? – Sara kept going with her questions, crossing her arms around her chest.

- They brought me here and went after a ship that crashed nearby. They told me they knew who I was and why I was here, and that they had bigger plans for me.

- And have they found anything in the ship? – Kara asked with concern in her voice

- Yes. They are keeping the alien they found trapped, but I don't know where because I escaped them as soon as they got distracted. The fast guy was away dealing with some secretive stuff, then, I took advantage of that and ran like hell 'til I found you guys here.

- And now we have a time aberration to clean up as well... - Nate looked at everyone, worried – There is no historical record about a ship crashing in New Orleans 1962.

Everyone looked at each other suspiciously. Sara wasn't sure she was buying it; she learned the hard way not to trust easily on people. She got an idea to discover if that was true.

- I say we ask Gideon about it... This other Legion and the world ending thing. – She looked at Fel – Where do you come from?

- 3027

- Wow. The Earth lasted that long? – Nate looked shocked at Ray that agreed with him.

- I intend to change its fate so it can last more, I want to save it, but can't do it without your help – Fel said smiling weakly at them.

- Well, we can check with Gideon and then see what we can do for you.

- And we have to deal with Legion of Doom to rescue the alien. Awesome – Mick said in a not so exciting voice. They couldn't have a break, never. Every time something bad happened, they had to clean the mess. He couldn't wait 'til they get rid of those Legion of Doom guys.

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