Chapter 5

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Sara spent the whole night awake, thinking about everything that happened that day. She actually thought she could inspire Snart to be a better man already and tell her Legion's plans. What was she thinking? He was not the Snart she learned to care about yet, he was that selfish and cruel guy that only did things for his own benefit and obvious he wasn't going to say anything. She decided to take a walk alone as the next day came in, to try and clear her head, to look for something to take her mind off Snart and her old feelings and confusion coming back to her. A few hours later, she went back to their apartment a bit happier as she found Kara watching some TV with a painful look on her face.

- Is everything ok? – Sara asked her, a bit worried.

- Nope... Everything's great. – She said not so convincing. She exhaled and then looked at Sara – Actually... I'm bored. I spent the whole morning helping people, just like yesterday, but other than that... I don't want to be locked in here waiting the day the ship will come and get us...

- I know the feeling – She sat beside Kara on the couch – I guess is about time we blend in with people around here, since we have no idea for long we will be here.

- We do have our fake IDs, we can make some use of it – Kara smiled.

She was not happy about being stuck in the past, on another Earth, but she decided to make the most of it. It was still an experience, an odd one, and she was surrounded by friends... Well, 2 of her friends and a criminal that seemed to have history with Sara, or his future version. She still got lost about how time traveling worked but she was great when it came to read people, and she could tell there was something there. Kara thought about her other friend, Oliver. They had a moment the day before; they almost kissed if it wasn't for someone screaming far away for help. She felt confused and scared but also excited, because this was all new to her. They grew really close and this warmed her heart but she had no idea what their moment meant for them. Would things be awkward from now on? Would they have a chance to talk about it? Would the tension between them go away some day, or just get worse until one of them go mad? She never felt so lost in life. Sara seemed to notice Kara wasn't in her usual mood, and looked around.

- Where are the guys?

- Snart is in his room doing Rao knows what and Oliver... To be honest I haven't see him since yesterday. I flew around the whole day, cautiously, and when I got home, Snart said he went for a run.

- He surely likes to run... A lot – Sara said finding that really weird. – Did something happen? Between you two? Did you argue or something?

- What? Oh no, no. We just talked. I was freaking out with fear of being here forever and he reassured me everything would work out... Then I flew to save a kid far away. – Kara said letting out the part where they almost kissed. It was not necessary to talk about this right now. And she was starting to get worried about Oliver disappearing.

- Weird... - Sara said thoughtful. – Well, ever since he came back from the island and we met again back in Star City, I found out he developed a habit of running when he is worried about something, or if something's bothering him... I'm sure is nothing serious, given our situation...

- Yes, I guess you are right – She said thinking about what might have been messing with his head and she feared she knew the answer.

Sara took a flyer from the pocket of her white jacket and showed Kara, getting excited.

- I just know the perfect way we can blend in.

They heard a noise coming from the door opening and watched Oliver getting in, with only his pants on and a pair of sneakers. Kara noticed he was shirtless again, what made the whole situation a bit worse. Oliver never made it easy for her, she noticed blushing. She noticed Oliver's eyes on her and she looked back at him as he gave her a quick smile.

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