"Oh my... but Lucian..."

"You mean Luke? our step father?" Clary asks

"You look just like your mother, that I don't even need to ask if she is your mom" she says looking at clary.

"But yet you look so much like your real father" she says looking at bass.

"I use to know your parents, all three of them for that matter" she says

"Great because we need your help" Isabelle says.

Clarys POV.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't creep me out that this woman knew my family and who we were just by looking at us.

But she was related to jace & Isabelle and we'll Alec, but we weren't that close... but this did give me a little bit of comfort.

Everyone filled her in about what was going on.

"Oh dear, I need to tell the clave" Maryse said

"I don't know what good that will do" Magnus said

"But go ahead mom" Alec said giving Magnus the eye.

"Don't worry, we will work this out" Maryse said looking at Sebastian and i.

She looked down, and saw jace & me holding hands and she raised an eyebrow at jace.

I tensed. Jace smiled & said

"Marsye as you've already met clary, she is also my girlfriend"

Her eyes bulged a little bit, but said

"That's wonderful, but I can only assume she is the reason you all were suspended? am I right?"

My face turned red.

"It's complicated" jace said

"We can discuss this later..... alone" she said and looked at me when she said "alone"

"I'm going for a walk, come with me bass?" I said holding my hand out to him.

"Yea, & for the record your son is lucky to be with clary" bass said and we walked out.

"Are you serious...." I hear jace saying

"Heyyy wait up!!!" says simon with magnus.

"That was weird, I didn't wanna be in there when that bomb explodes" Magnus says

I laugh.

"Seriously clary, don't worry about her" bass says noticing that I was chewing my cheek.

"I know, can we go some where?" I say

Magnus's face lights up.... "YES!! takis!!! the best food EVER"

"We'll lead the way glitter queen" simon says.

We all laugh & start walking.

I can't shake the bad feeling I have about Maryse, maybe it's just my nerves because she was we'll sorta jace's mom.

Isabelles POV

"are you serious..... aren't you always telling me to try and let someone into my life?" jace wails

"Yes but not with a child of valentine!!!!" Maryse screams

"We didn't know who she was!" I say

"There not like him mom" Alec says

"Because you don't really know them!" Maryse says

"I love clary, and I plan on marrying her someday! so you better get use to her!" jace says

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