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Clarys POV

Clary eventually fell asleep. She was woken up by Isabelle turning on the lights.

I covered my burning eyes & looked at the clock and it read 5:30, I looked out the window and it was still dark.

"What the hell?" I say

"Class starts at 8 and we still need to get ready and then eat"

I groaned and rolled over threw the pillow over my head

"Your going to be late Garroway" she said as she went to take a shower

I turned off the light and went back to sleep.

45 mins later Isabelle finished her shower and said "okay Clary, now get up"

"Ugh!!! Fine!!! your worse than my mom"

Isabelle laughed

Clary went to the bathroom, she brushed her hair and teeth and when she went to wash her face, she was given a brutal wake up call because the water was ICE cold.

"You wasted all the hot water" I yelled at Isabelle

"You snooze, you loose" she yelled back laughing

"Your lucky I showered last night!" I said as I walked back out into the room.

I dressed in black Capri yoga pants and put on a sports bra and a olive green halter top and black sneakers

"Nice choice" Isabelle said admiring my outfit

"It's the first day of classes and we are starting with defense training, so might as we'll be comfy" I said

"Agreed" she said. Isabelle wore grey sweat pants and a black tank top and the same exact sneakers as me.

We both tied our hair up and only put on mascara and eyeliner and then there was a knock at our door.

I went to open it and saw it was Stefan and some other guy who wasn't bad looking.

"Hey" we said at the same time. He laughed and said "wanna grab breakfast with us? oh Isabelle this is my friend Adam"

Isabelle walked over and said "hi Adam I'm isabelle, let's get going and leave these lovebirds alone" as she pulled him away.

"shall we?" Stefan asked

"We shall" I said laughing

We got to the dinning hall and it was pretty crowded... as I walked past I heard people whispering about me... "oh we'll" I thought.

We got to the food line and there was soo much food to pick from... eggs in all forms, bacon, sausage, ham, pancakes, fresh fruit, oatmeal, ceral, waffles, protein shakes and so much more.

I ended up just getting fresh fruit and oatmeal and some black coffee.

Stefan put my food on his tray and carried it to the table which was crowded and only had room for two at the end... I'm guessing he doesn't want to be interrupted.

"Thanks for doing all the hard work" I said to him smiling and then my heart began to beat faster.

"This is strange I thought to myself" I start to look around to see why my heart is acting this way and then my eyes spot Jace who is looking at me angrily.

I gulped and turned my head to try and forget him... I need to figure this out already I think.

"Clary?" Stefan says

"Yes? what? I'm sorry" I say

"It's okay, you zoned out there for a minute... are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm just thinking" I say and then start eating trying to distract my self.

We finished eating and then we met back up with everyone and we all headed out to the gym..

Jace walked ahead of us, by himself... he must be mad. I saw Aline try to talk to him but he ignored her completely

We got to the gym and it was huge, it had weapons everywhere, training obstacles everywhere, and had the hugest beams I've ever seen. I gulped loudly... I hated heights.

Simon looked at me and noticed what I was looking at and said " is miss bare hands afraid of heights?" and I couldn't stop my self from punching him.

"Okay students! Please focus over here" someone said

"My name is craig, I will be your training instructor" and smiled

"This training is intense and it's nothing like you've ever done before" said a girl. "my name is Sutton, I also am your instructor"

"You can all hand in your assignments at that desk" and Craig pointed towards it

"We have matched you into pairs, based on skills, and weakness's and how you can help each other"

"We will call your names and then you guys can start warming up... please remember we will be evaluating you from this moment out" sutton said

"So make it worth it" Craig said

"Okay so let's get started"

"Stefan you are with Isabelle"

"Sebastian you are with Alec"

"Magnus you are with Simon"

"Aline you are with Adam"


"It's actually clary" I said. Sutton looked mad and said

"Clary you are with Jonathan"

"Eric you are with Christian"

"Julie you are with Paul"

"If your name was not called please go to the gym across the hall"

More than half the class left.

"Be glad you are in this class because only the top 14 students get in this class"

"Your fellow peers will be in a less intense training class, across the hall" sutton said smiling

"Now split up and start warming up... get to know your partner because you stuck with them the whole year"

Jace smiled

"We periodically rank you....those are our rankings as of now" Craig said pointing to a bulletin board that only had one paper on it.

We all got in our pairs, and I started stretching ..

Jace looked at me like I was nuts

"What? it helps" I say

He says "so stretch because I'm not taking it easy on you" and smiles

"Good because neither will I".

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