"excuse me?" jaebum asked offendedly with every right to do so, glaring at the other intensely. he would've strangled him on the spot if he didn't notice that, yes, youngjae was the one currently swimming in the water. that was his second time seeing his upper body naked, though that did not mean it was any less enjoyable to watch. "oh," he muttered, earning himself a quiet 'hmph' from jinyoung.

"wow! so amazing, man!" someone yelled from the opposite side of the line the class stood in. to his shock and terror, jaebum gawked at youngjae climbing out the pool, laughing hysterically (or was that panting?) and approaching the one who screamed at him a few seconds ago. shit in my fuck, jaebum thought, his lips smacking together in a sudden churn of his stomach, it's yugyeom. since when was he in this class?

"well, i hope that was helpful in one way or another. get in the pool, kids!" the coach shrieked while uncontrollably and unnecessarily blowing his whistle, bursting a few students' eardrums. "the team captains i have today are... kim mingyu for team red, im jaebum for team blue! split yourselves up into teams and stand at the corresponding side of the pool!"

jaebum sank himself in the five feet tall pool while whispering 'fuck' into some bubbles. he barely even read the study guide for water polo and he wasn't the greatest swimmer, either—he was a ground sport kind of guy. he sulked his way over to the team blue side of the pool, as best as one can sulk with half their body submerged in water.

"boo!" jaebum suddenly heard behind him, accompanied by lukewarm chlorine water splashing onto his exposed back.

"what the-" he exclaimed, turning around to see that a familiar head of silky looking hair bobbing around. wiping off annoying water droplets from his face, he sighed, "hey, youngjae." he mustered up a smile as best as he could, trying to hide the fact that he did not want to be captain even one bit.

youngjae stood up properly and brushed around wet strands of his hair, smiling. "how are you, hyung?" the elder had to admit that being blessed by that radiant smile made him feel better. but really, who wouldn't felt purified after seeing that?

"i'm doing fine. i'm not great at water polo but i'm planning to try my best as captain."

"ah," replied youngjae, pouting his lips slightly and nodding. the two of them backed up so they touched the edge of the pool as the coach instructed them to, in preparation for the game to officially begin. "i'm sure you'll do great! i know you'll be a great leader."

"thanks," the other said with a grin, though he sounded a bit less genuine due to his mediocre mood. as the teacher began to count down from five, youngjae faced forward and positioned himself so he'd be ready to swim across the pool. jaebum, on the other hand, decided to simply stand there and sort of prepare himself. he planned to go for mostly defense, anyways.

"let's have a nice game, then, captain." youngjae winked and stuck out his tongue right before the whistle was blown, signaling him to start swimming furiously. meanwhile, jaebum stood in place, dumbstruck by what he'd just witnessed. he swore youngjae was implying something with that particular voice he used and the odd emphasis on 'captain' he put. he just simply could not stop thinking about what youngjae meant by having a 'nice game' so, as the good friend he is, jinyoung splashed him in the face.

"hey, twiddledinkle! you're the captain, wake up!" he shouted while in the middle of performing some freestyle strokes, frowning at jaebum. he's whipped is what he is, jinyoung said to himself internally while sighing disappointedly. he decided to play defense as well, although he wasn't a shabby swimmer, either. he just preferred playing tactically and not simply chasing after the ball like out of control dogs.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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