"That's it? You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified back stage pass."

"It's a first step," assured Aquaman. "You've been granted access few others have."

"Oh really?" the eldest teenager snapped, gesturing to a glass window high up on the wall were they could see civilians snapping photos of them all. "Who cares what side of the glass we're on!"

"Roy," Green Arrow spoke up in an understanding tone, "You just need to be patient."

"We deserve better than this."

Speed gazed at the other partners. They all then looked at each other. It was obvious that Aqualad wanted to serve his King, and Kid Flash was slightly confused. Sea Bird was listening from the rafters and narrow her eyes. Robin gazed at Batman. They were going to go to the watch tower later. Right?

"You're kidding, right?" spat the young archer, glaring at them. "You're playing their game. Why? Because you think they play fair? Today was meant to be the day! Step one on becoming full-fledged members of the league."

"Well sure," Kid Flash started, looking at Robin for reassurance, "but I thought step one was a tour of HQ."

"Except the Hall isn't the real HQ." That got all of their attention, Robin flinched. "I bet they never told you it's a false front for tourists and a pit stop for catching Zetabeam tubes to the real thing," he gestured to the roof, "An orbiting satellite called the Watchtower."

Green Arrow had the dignity to look guilty as he turned to look at Batman, who crossed his arms. "I know, I know, but I thought maybe we could make an exception." He only received a cold stare in return. "Or not."

"You're not helping your cause here, son," voiced Aquaman, trying to speak reason. "Stand down."

"Or what?" started Speedy, seeming to be angrier by those words. "You'll send me to my room? I'm not your son. I'm not even his." He gestured to Green Arrow, who tried to hide his pain. "I thought I was his partner, but, not anymore." He took off his hat and threw it to the ground, turning to walk out but stopping to spit words at Robin, Kid Flash, Sea Bird and Aqualad. "Guess their right about you four. You're not ready!"

Robin stared at the retreating back of Roy,  despair showing and disappearing.

Before Superman appeared on a screen. A metal screen silently slid down over the observation window, stopping the tourists from seeing in. They listened to him talk about an explosion in something called Cadmus before Zatara interrupted, calling for the whole League. Once it was settled that they had to deal with Zatara's mission, Batman turned to the three teenagers.

"Stay put."

"Why?" Robin asked, knowing his father meant why they didn't tell the others about the real HQ . He gave him a look that clearly said they would talk later.

"This is a League mission," Aquaman tried to explain.

"You're not trained," added Flash.

Kid Flash's mouth dropped open in shock. "Since when?"

"I meant you're not trained as a part of this team," clarified the speedster.

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