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Okay im so excited for this book!!! The updates will be slow but i'll try to keep it on a schedule like I'll post Mondays and Wednesdays or something like that. Who knows but heres the first chapter :)

I woke up the sun creeping through my blinds. I pulled my blanket off of me and walked downstairs. "Good morning sweetie." My mother chirped. "Morning." My raspy morning voice said. "Drink some water, should help your voice." I nodded and walked over to the cupboard grabbing a cup, then putting it under the running faucet. I slowly drank the water as my older brother came running down the stairs, "Walk." My father said sternly.

"Sorry old man." Jake smiled. I rolled my eyes. "Awe Cassy don't roll those pretty eyes at me." He said lifting my chin up. "Don't touch me." I said moving away. "Put some pants on child." Dad said. I was wearing a large black and white tie-die t-shirt. With a pair of underwear underneath.

I walked back up stairs with my cup of water. I put my cup on the night stand and grabbed my phone.

Ben: Hey Cassy ;)

Me: Hey Benny ;p

Ben: What are you doin today?

Me: Honestly nothing

Ben: I have something fun we can do ;)

Me: NO! Ben we talked about that lol

Ben: Damn but no its not that

Me: ??? The what?

Ben: Well so you know how its almost Halloween?

Me: Duh, keep going

Ben: Wanna go to a corn maze?

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