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Fingers stroked Abbie's back. There was an arm wrapped around her holding her against a warm body. Her head laid upon a naked chest. The muffled sound of morning reached her ears. A whimsical sigh escaped her parted lips, and she burrowed further into the embrace.

Maxwell chuckled. "Are you awake?"

"No," Abbie answered with a pout. She wanted to continue laying in his arms. She was enjoying this tender moment. She felt cherished.

"It is morning. We must rise and attend to our duties." Maxwell moved his fingers gracefully from her back, down her side, and to her waist. He wished he could continue holding her.

Abbie shook her head. "I refuse to depart from this bed."

Maxwell reached for her chin and lifted her face up to his. Her eyes were closed, but there was a soft smile upon her lips. "It seems I must wake my wife." Maxwell teased as he placed a soft kiss upon her lips. Abbie's eyes fluttered, and yet she continued to refuse to open them. Maxwell found her antics to be amusing. He released his hold of her and lowered himself in the bed. "Abbie," he cooed stroking her side. She shivered. Maxwell pulled her closer to his body. He pressed himself against her and rolled them until Abbie lay on her back. Her eyes opened as he clasped her calf and lifted her leg to his waist. "Ah, now you are awake." Maxwell murmured. He held her waist and aligned himself with her center. Abbie's back arched as she gripped his forearms. He covered her with kisses and answered her pleas. He took his fill of her. When they were both spent, Maxwell gently kissed Abbie before rolling away from her. His chest heaved as he lay on his back. "Good morning, darling." He turned his head to face her.

Abbie laughed happily. "Good morning."

Maxwell stroked her cheek adoringly. "You are so lovely. I am a blessed man to be your husband."

The unexpected compliment caused Abbie to shift. "You say such kind things to me."

"I say only the truth." There was a hesitant knock on the door. Maxwell groaned as he threw the covers off his naked body and lifted himself from the bed. He parted the curtains, found his nightgown laying on the floor, dressed himself, and made his way to the door. With a quick glance over his shoulder to be sure the curtains had fallen back in place enclosing the bed, Maxwell opened the door. A nervous chamber man stood before him. "What is it?" The chamber man handed over folded parchment with a bow of his head. "You may go." Maxwell dismissed him before closing the door and making his way back to his bed.

"There is no rest for the king." Abbie commented as he yanked back the curtains and sat on the bed beside her.

"Nor for the queen." Maxwell responded distractedly. The parchment was sealed with the Remington crest. Maxwell knew it well. He broke the seal and began to read.

Your Majesty,

Please excuse my delay, but I have word. I can confirm the birth of Chelsea's child. It is indeed a boy. She has left the duty of naming him to you. My attempts to learn how the child was born earlier than expected, have been mostly fruitless. However, I have learned that Lord Charles sent a maid to an apothecary in Carwick who is rumored to partake in witchcraft. Luis is going to visit the woman and speak with her. The physicians say the child is currently ill, but they believe him to be strong enough to survive. Your presence is not urgently needed, although it is expected. Chelsea is demanding to have Mary brought to her. Her father has sent word to the Vatican. This is all the word I have for you at this moment.

Byron Remington

Abbie pulled herself up and gathered the covers over her chest. "Is something the matter?" She questioned having noticed Maxwell's distracted expression and clenched hands.

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