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I guess I can't prove it is AWTOK but I have a feeling it was.

Last night I was minding my own business when I noticed a red light by my camera.

I started freaking out because that light was my indicator light. It was notifying me my camera was being used. I wasn't using my camera. Someone was watching me or recording me. The light doesn't work regularly. It was the first time I saw the light.

I texted my closest internet friends asking what I should do.

I covered my front camera so they couldn't see me and I restarted my phone. Whenever I went to my text messages my light went back on. I found the best option was to shut my phone down for the night.

I don't care if it was AWTOK or not. That was creepy and still scary. What if they found a way to disable the indicator light and are watching me right now? What if they blackmail me? What if they track me down? What if I am kidnapped? Someone stalked me!

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