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You walked away from the camp fire when you noticed a certain son of Hades missing. He'd been gone all day, and that usually meant he was at Camp Jupiter, but he normally told you when he took a trip there.

You spotted Jason talking to Frank between the cabins and the lake. "Hey, guys," you walked up to them.

"Hey, (y/n)," they greeted you.

"Have either of you seen Nico? He's been gone all day today."

Both of them got identical nervous looks on their faces.

Jason said, "He's at McDonald's," at the same time Frank said, "He's sleeping."

You narrowed your eyes at them.

Jason cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck nervously. "He's, um, sleeping... at McDonald's."

You stare Frank down. Out of the two of them, he's less likely to lie. "Frank?"

He looked down at his feet. "He's.... taking a nap.... in his cabin...."

"All day?"

"Um, well, no... He had a headache this morning ...."

"And?" You were getting a little impatient.

"Well, he went to Will and while Will was looking for something to give him Dionysus's son (Pollux) came in with a glass if water and told Nico that Will wanted him to take it because it had medicine in it but actually it was a strong, clear whine and Nico maybe kind of got drunk and so we have been hiding him all day because he's maybe still drunk....." he rambled.

You stand there, frozen. They held their breath. "WHAT?! How the Hades is he still drunk and why would he take 'medicine' if it isn't straight from one of the Apollo kids?!" You yelled.

"We tried to keep him isolated but he kept getting more from Pollux somehow, thinking it was medicine..." Jason explained.

You ran a hand down your face, letting out a deep breath. "Where is he now?"

"In his cabin."

"You do realize he could just shadow-travel somewhere, right?"

"Actually, he can barely move five feet."

"I'll be back." And with that you stormed off.

Nico was drunk, thanks to Pollux. This can't be good. You had no idea if Nico is an angry drunk, a happy drunk, an honest drunk, a sad drunk, or whatever. But you needed to take care of this.

"Nico!" You pounded on his door. It swung open just as you were about to knock again.

"Shhh....." Nico pressed a finger to your lips. "You're too loud..."

"And you're an idiot," you pushed his hand away.

"You're funny," he giggled.


He giggled.

"Nico, are you -- " you're cut off by him yanking you into his cabin and shutting his door.

"Will gave me medicine... For my headache... Wait, no, that was Pollux...nice Pollux, always helping people..." He grinned goofily.

"Nico, you're drunk." He gave you a confused look. "Pollux gave you wine, not medicine."

"Oh... Okay..." He looked down at your feet. After a moment of not blinking and just staring, you snapped your fingers in front of his face.

Hr jumped and looked at you in surprise. Then his eyes got watery. "Why would he do that? He's mah friend.... We're all friends.... He tricked me..."

He thumped his head onto your shoulder. He went from giggly to depressed just like that.

"But you wouldn't do that, would you?" His arms wrapped around you tightly.

"Uh, n-no," you stuttered. What is going on with him? Oh right, he's drunk. "Nico --"

"Shh..." He leaned back enough to press his finger to your lips again. You blushed at the closeness. "No talking." He looked you in the eye, and then his gaze wondered down to your lips. "You're pretty."

"W-what?" You blushed.

"You're pretty," he repeated, his arm moving to wrap around you again.. "I like you. Did you know that? You're pretty, and funny, and nice...." His breath fanned across your face. You could tell the boys gave him mints to try and cover up the alcoholic scent.

You blushed harder. "Uh, no.... I didn't know that."

He frowned. "Oh. Well, now you do," he smiled.

"Nico, you're drunk. If you feel the same when you're sober, then we'll talk." You were upset, and sad. You want to hear this from him, but you wanted to hear it when he meant it and actually knew what he was saying. Hearing him say it now, drunk, was just messing with your feelings.

He frowned again. "You don't believe me?"

You shook your head.

"You should. It's true. I can prove it."

Before you could respond or ask what he meant, he leaned in, his lips pressing against yours. You pushed him back almost immediately, stepping away from him.

"Come find me when you're sober," you muttered and left.

You later found Will and told him Nico was drunk, and he agreed to go help him.

(There will be a part 2)

Nico x Reader One-Shots (PJO)Where stories live. Discover now