chapter seven:

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     [Justin's POV]

   I wonder what she's up to? The next few minutes went by so slow. It felt like forever. *BRRRIING! * As soon as the bell rang, I rushed to the car and drove off. 20 minutes later I pulled up into Miley's driveway and parked the car. I walked up to the door,took a deep breath,then knocked.

     [Miley's POV]

  I was in my bedroom when all of a sudden,I hear a knock at the front door. My mom and stepdad is still at work so I went and answered it. I looked out of the window first, to see that Justin's car was in the driveway. I walked up to the door and placed my hand on the knob. I took a deep breath before opening it and when I did, there he was with a blank expression. "So you gonna invite me in,or...?" "U-um y-yea." I moved aside and let him in. He sat on the couch and I sat on the coffee table in front of him. "So you wanted to talk to me?" he asked sort of smiling. "Um yea. See,the reason I asked you to come over is because...maybe I...we can- " I stutter out. "Give us a try?" he asks finishing my sentence. "yea," I answer. He didn't respond right away. I looked him deep into his eyes and said,"I can't do this anymore. Being miserable without you and still thinking about my break up. I need you back in my life Justin." He then gets up without a word and walks to the kitchen. "Justin? Please answer me," I say. He turns around and faces me. "You still didn't answer my question." I look at him confused.  "Which is?" "Will you let me love you?" he asks simply. A smile quickly grows on my face and his too. I jump into his arms and embrace him in a hug. "Yes," I say. "I'm glad,"he says. He then raises my head to meet my eyes. He cups my cheeks and slowly leans in and we share a long passionate kiss. Sparks flew everywhere. This is what love is, I finally know now. Justin and I are meant to be. When we pull apart, we smile like crazy at each other. "So what now?" I ask. "Um,let's study together," he says. I give him a weird look. "Are you serious?" "Haha no. Let's watch a movie," he says. "What do you wanna watch?" I ask. "I don't know. What do you want to watch?" he asks me. "Um,let's watch never say never!" I say and start laughing.  "I'm serious Miley." " I am too." He made a funny face which made me laugh. "I'll just randomly pick something," he says. I nod and he puts in a movie. By the time I woke up from falling asleep after the movie was over, me and Justin was wrapped up in a blanket and he was also asleep. I looked around and my mom came in. "Y'all were asleep when I got home so I couldn't bring myself to waking you,"she says smiling. I smile back. "Thanks mom," I say. "No problem. Now go back to sleep and get some rest. I'll wake you two up for school in the morning." "Ok." She walks back into her room and I look over at Justin who is now awake. "Mmm what time is it?" he asks in his sleepy voice which I'll admit is so sexy. "Ten o'clock." "Oh,Ok." he says and goes back to sleep. I cuddle up close to him with my head on his chest. He puts his arm around me,"I love you Miley." "I love you too Justin. Good night," I say. "Good night,"he says. I smile and then soon fall back to sleep.






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