Saying his name didn't hurt as much as it used to ever since I saw him on Sunday. I was ready to move on, I felt it the moment I broke down crying in front of Harry. I had put up walls after everything he has done but I was ready to fully live again. To live life to its limits.

"Do you want to ... like, watch a movie or something? Maybe a good one for a change?" Harry suggested. The small smile in his lip was charming and I burst out laughing, remembering the shitty movies we have seen with the others.

"Definitely, I hope you have a good one to wait in the wings," I told him and watched his smile widened.

"Have you seen Frozen yet?" He asked me.

"No but everyone's hooked," I answered, shrugging my shoulders.

"It is a good one, I promise," he told me and got up to snatch the dvd from his stack of disks laying near his tv. He had a lot of dvds, that was for damn sure.

"It better be," I jokingly threatened, narrowing my eyes a bit. Harry just laughed, the sweet melody filling the air.

That was the start of two adventurous hours. I watched the story of Elsa and Olaf and everyone else unfold in front of me and found myself chuckling along. The movie touched me and I had to applaud Harry for actually choosing a good movie.

The credits ran across the screen and I stretched my arms and legs.

"Did I promise too much?" Harry asked with a grin.

"Yup," I told, my face showing no emotions.

His eyes widened in disbelief. "I seriously thought you were enjoying yourself!"

He seemed so sincere which made me laugh out loud. "You should have seen your face!" I exclaimed in hysterical laughter.

"Not funny," Harry yelled before attacking me. In the truest sense of the word. He literally jumped on top of me, pinned me backwards to the couch, grabbed my wrists in one of his large hands and tickled my stomach with his other one. His legs were on either side of mine and I had no chance to move.

I squirmed and kicked and begged for him to release me but he kept on tickling me until I was out of breath, my chest moving up and down at a dangerous pace.

"Do you wanna repeat that, love?" He asked me, his hot breath fanning over me while his face was only inches away.

I was overwhelmed by his sudden proximity. My heart beat uncontrollably in my chest and I could hear my blood pulse in my ears. "I-" I tried to form a coherent sentence but nothing came out of my mouth.

All that was left to do was staring into Harry's green eyes which were locked on mine. My mouth was dried and I waited for the usual interception but nothing came. It was only Harry and I.

But he didn't move and I was oh-so grateful for it.

Earth to Zoey! A voice in my head screamed. I snapped back to reality. I couldn't let him come closer again, he was up to no good.

"I liked the movie, it was quite nice," I answered calmly, my breath returning to normal.

Harry noticed the change and lifted himself up, putting space between us again. He averted his eyes and stood up abruptly. "It's already late," he told me.

I nodded in agreement.

"You... you can sleep in my bed. I'll take the couch," he offered.

"No, no, no!" I answered quickly. Too quickly. "I mean, no, you go ahead and sleep in your bed, I'll be fine out here." He didn't seem convinced. "I like the couch, it's comfy," I told him. It wasn't a lie, the couch actually was really comfortable. There were enough blankets to cover the cold leather. It would be too awkward sleeping in his bed.

Lethal (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now