When the weight was slightly lifted from her shoulder, Devora thought that she was hallucinating due to the sun's intense heat. Her body was released from the burning ache and she turned over with her eyes wide. Nathan, though not standing upright to his full height, was walking along with her as best as he could. He dragged his feet behind him, the rustling sound of the emerald grass beneath their soles louder than ever.

"Geez, D-Dora," Nathan playfully chastised. "Can't... Can't you let a man have h-his rest?"

The brunette's jaw was slackened, her eyes wide as she blinked rapidly to ensure that she wasn't dreaming. When Nathan hissed under his breath and cursed from the pain, nearly collapsing to the ground, Devora was pushed back into reality all at once. She reached forward to steady him, her hands not once detaching themselves from him after.

"Nathan! Oh my gosh, you're okay!"

"No thanks to you." Nathan exhaled shakily, shutting his eyes for a moment to will his pain away. His pale lips trembled as he spoke, "Y-You're a shit partner for leaving me behind to handle Candice alone."

Tears were starting to brim the rims of Devora's eyes and although she had no clue why, she didn't mind the tears. Crying made it feel like the weight in her chest was being pulled up and away. Nathan was well and alive, enough to playfully banter with her.

That was enough.

Her prayers had come true.


She hadn't been able to get an apology past her lips before a third voice shouted from the clearing. Travis's familiar silhouette slowly trudged out from the forestation, shoving past bushes and leaves. The second he spotted the pair, his face lit up and he ran over, darting towards Devora and helping her to support Nathan.

Together, the duo flanked their injured teammate, slowly leading him back to the helicopter.

"Man, you look like you've been through hell and back," Travis commented with a low whistle. His nose, despite the joking tone, was a little red and so were his eyes. They had all been worried.

"Really?" Nathan asked. He cheekily grinned, lips lopsided as he nodded in agreement. "Can't say it doesn't feel like it."


The sharp alkaline odor of bleach was never something Devora was fond of. The hospital, unfortunately, was filled with that undesirable scent.

Like every other medical building, the hospital they were in was colored white. It was a bland, continuous, never-ending corridor that held multiple doors and corners. Even the staff members, both doctors and nurses, were dressed in the ghastly color. The monochromatic scene was repetitive and painfully glaring to look at, the LED lights way too bright and the white walls way too reflective.

Devora tapped the sole of her dirty boot against the smooth linoleum tiles of the floor, her patience wearing thin as another group of gossiping nurses strolled past her and down the hallway. It had been hours since all four injured parties on their team had been carted off by the doctors, leaving Devora, Travis, and Markus in waiting.

Travis had darted off shortly after, claiming that he needed something more potent than a cup of vending machine coffee to keep himself awake. Thus, he had decided to camp out in the hospital cafeteria in search of a better source of caffeine. That left Devora with Markus, the former neatly bandaged for the minimal scratches she had sustained in her brawl with Candice.

"You're nervous," Markus observed, his voice soft. It was almost as if he was speaking about something confidential and a potentially life-threatening secret. "What is it that is bothering you?"

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