Just say it

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Leo's POV

Saphire was slowly calming down. The three men came back into the room. "Time for some answers." One of them said. Saphire was pulled away from me.

She tried coming back to me but the man holding her was way stronger. I was tied up along with Saphire.

"Let us go." Saphire said. She was whipped before she was even tied up.

"Where did you live?" She was asked. "I'm not telling you anything." She replied sharply. Five whips. "Where did you come from?" More louder. "I'm not telling you anything you want to hear." She replied. Nine more.

They kept asking but she refused. After a few hours her back was bleeding badly. "I'll die before you find out anything." She said.

Seven more. "Every time she says no keep hitting her until she replies." One of the guys said.

I watched as Saphire was whipped over and over. Tears were streaming from her eyes but she still refused.

"Stop you're gonna kill her." I said. I was whipped for speaking. I held back tears as she kept refusing.

"Saphire please just tell them." I begged. That earned me five whips.

She looked over at me. "I'd rather die then tell them." She replied. Six more whips for her. My eyes were covered.

I heard Saphire scream in pain. "Stop hurting her." I begged. Whipped again.

Saphire's POV

I kept refusing but the pain only gets worse. I was now screaming. The pain hurt so bad. I wasn't going to tell them where I was from. No matter what.

I was now surrounded by blood. I took deep breaths. The leader came back into the room. "Still haven't said it yet?" He asked.

"Over my dead body." I replied.

He pushed me against the wall. He held a blade under my chin pressing it into my skin. He made me look him in the eyes.

"I'm only gonna ask this one more time. Where are you from?" He asked. His voice raised with each word.

"I'm. Not. Telling." I replied.

He shoved the knife through my chin and into my mouth. I started coughing up blood as I gasped for air in between coughs.

"What are you doing to her?" Leo asked.

"No need to worry boy." The leader replied. My vision was getting dark.

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