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Saphire's POV

Calvin never stopped talking. I was no sitting next to Leo. He was holding my hand. "Alright Calvin can you shut up for one minute?" Leo asked.

Leo shook his head and continued talking. Leo looked at me and smiled. "What are you planning?" I whispered.

"Let's throw him in the water." Leo whispered back. I smiled. I watched as Leo grabbed Calvin's arms and made him stand up. Leo brought him to the water and pushed him in. Calvin pulled Leo in the water with him.

I laughed. Leo looked over at me. I felt pain in my shoulder. I looked behind me to see someone's outline as my vision became blurry.

Leo's POV

Saphire fell back. The man standing behind her tied her wrists together. I started running towards them.

The man picked Saphire up adn started walking away. The man stopped walking as I got closer. He shot something at me. It hit me in the chest. I fell to the ground.

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