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Miley's P.O.V
I left the room right after she broke up with me and just cried. That's all I did. I sat on OUR bed and cried. Of course, that was probably a bad idea and didn't help at all that it was the bed her and I shared. The bed I've slept on with her countless nights, the bed we've cuddled together in countless times. If we're being 100% honest then the bed I took her virginity in. This isn't right, none of this is right. How can this happen? My whole life has been dedicated to her. She's the first person I've ever loved! I can't. I really can't. I can't stop crying I feel like I can't breathe, it feels hurt and compressed like she put an entire building on my chest. My eyes were completely filled with tears, I went to wipe them and I felt something.
I completely forgot

My ring.

Feeling and looking at it made me cry even harder. I was able to make that promise to her, she was so happy the day I proposed. I don't know what I did... why am I never enough for anyone. She said it herself she doesn't love me anymore. But, the thing that sucks is that nothing is going to keep me from loving her.
I let out a loud sob before I pulled my ring off and threw it against our dresser. Right away I heard a knock on the door.

"IT'S LOCKED FOR A REASON" I yelled with a shaky tone.

"Miley, this is my room too. Open up" I heard Demi's voice say.

I sighed and stood up to unlock the door and open it, right away she walked in without giving me a second look. She grabbed my ring off of the floor while sliding off her own, and she continued to throw them both in the small trash bin we had in our room.
Did she SERIOUSLY just do that? She literally threw away the love and compassion I had given her.

"Can you just explain why?" I asked softly.

Demi sighed, "I told you why. Don't make me say it again."

"Not why we broke up... why you hate me."

That sentence made her snap her head around facing me.

"Miley, stop being so dramatic. That's ridiculous, I don't hate you" she said partially annoyed.

I just continued to look down while more tears filled my eyes... I didn't want her to see my cry but at the same time I wanted her to see how much she'd hurt me.

"Miley?" She asked after moments of silence.

I snapped my head back up, hoping she would realize that everything that had just happened wasn't right. This wasn't meant to happen. This wasn't supposed to happen. We've never talked about this

"I think it would be best if you have all of your stuff out by tomorrow morning" she said with no sincerity at all...

What happened to the person I love?
I felt my eyes filling with tears again,

"Ok. Don't worry about it" I said with a voice crack while quickly getting off the bed walking out of the room, into the living room and sitting on the couch.

Why is this happening.
I started full blown crying again, the woman I dreamed of spending my life with didn't want me anymore. The woman I loved more than anything didn't love me anymore. The woman o dreamed of having a family with wanted nothing to do with me. I started crying a little harder and it felt like I would never stop. My heart hurt too much for this, my entire chest hurt and it was almost to the point where I felt nauseous. My entire face was sore at this point and I was on the verge of having a headache. I heard the bedroom door open back up, I stopped in my tracks and rushed to the bathroom locking the door as I heard her footsteps come out into where I had just been. I slowly slid against the bathroom door and continued crying, my heart was completely shattered. Nothing was the same, nothing was right anymore. Nothing about this was right. If my heart wasn't hurt enough, memories of our relationship came flooding in.


"I don't know Demi..." I choked out.
"Too many people have thrown me away like I was nothing to them. What's going to make me think I'm something to you." I expressed to her while looking down.
She walked over to me and put her arms around me.

"Miley..." she trailed off.

"I will never leave you behind, you'll never be nothing to me. You'll always be everything to me." She said as she continued to hug me tighter.


I yelled just thinking about it, knocking the shelves we had set up down. Everything fell over and made a mess on the floor, the glass container we had to hold our toothbrushes had fallen along with everyone else and broke. Tears continued streaming down my face like a waterfall, I don't know what to do.

Everything in me is broken.

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