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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~16 MONTH’S LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I flew through the air, carrying a deer with me as I flew back to a cave that Faline and I had found a few months earlier. We moved every month or so, but have been stuck here for a while due to a small, beautiful factor. Months had passed since we had all gone our separate ways, but I always thought of them. I intend to keep the promises I made to them, and hoped to someday, find them again.

As I neared our cave, I couldn’t help but marvel at the location. The entrance was on the face of a large cliff, around 3000 feet away from the ground, out of reach of most prying eyes. It over looked a beautiful valley, and even a few villages. The natives around our den have already created legends about us. Some call us, The Guardians Of The Weak, others call Demons From Hell. If only they knew the true story.

I landed with a thud at the entrance of our den. It wasn’t very big, but it was better than nothing. I looked around, marveling the inside like I had done so many times. The ceiling was about 11 feet tall, its width was around 20 yards or so, and it went into the mountain about 18 yards.

I easily located Faline, who had started a small fire and was curled around our egg sleeping. I smiled and walked over to them, dropping the deer beside her before laying down with my muzzle just inches away from the egg. “Your back.” she said softly. I smiled in reply, but did not move my gaze from the egg.

We had decided to try a while back, but didn’t expect to actually succeed. I guess that when we were transformed into dragons, we were fully transformed. It stumped me, but I no longer cared. She smiled and laughed at me. “Its alright Taro, it will hatch.” she said before licking me across the snout.

“What if it comes out wrong?” I stated. I have always been afraid of what could happen to it. If it was going to be wrong, or if it even hatched at all. “Its all right Taro, it’ll be fine.” she said with a giggle before turning her attention to the deer. The egg was so small, and fragile. If I wanted to, I could probably crush it with my tail alone. I shuddered at the thought of me accidentally breaking it.

Suddenly, it moved/ “Faline!” I stated before lifting my head. She had apparently seen it move, and now had her attention closely locked onto it. It moved again, and a small crack formed at the top. “Its hatching!” Faline stated happily as a small chunk fell off the side. ‘Oh my God, its actually hatching!’ I thought to myself as another chunk came free. It suddenly burst open, reveling a tiny dragon.

It was it White with red underbelly scales. It had the beginning of 4 small horns on the top of its head. I was shocked. “What is it?” I asked in anticipation. “it’s a boy.” Faline replied before leaning down and licking him. ‘I’m a father!’ I silently thought to myself before smiling. He was laying on his side with his eyes closed. His tiny body moving with each breath he took.

“He’s beautiful.” Faline said in a joyful tone before nuzzling him. His yellow and green eyes slowly began to open, and he immediately locked his curious gaze with mine. “Hi there little fella, I’m your dad.” I said as I lowered my head to his height. He began to squirm, and managed to roll himself onto his stomach. He then attempted to stand, but collapsed, causing Faline and I to laugh.

He was persistent though, and tried to stand again,. This time, right as he was about to fall, I managed to slide my muzzle underneath his body, catching him before he hit the ground. He attempted to crawl onto my snout, but only managed to get his front legs onto it. Figuring that he couldn’t go any further, he laid his paw down on my snout, and locked his gaze with mine.

“We did one Hell of a good job.” I said with a laugh. “Yes, we did.” Faline replied. “What should we name him?” I asked as he shut his eyes and began to drift off. I slid myself out from underneath him, and placed him between my paws. He curled into a ball between them, and quickly fell asleep. >How about Shadow?” Faline suggested. I thought for a moment, and replied, “That’s a great name.”

She smiled and slid to my side. She then put her head on my paw, just inches away from Shadow. I smiled at them, before giving them a lick on the head. “Goodnight.” I whispered before laying my head over Falines and falling asleep, Excited of what the future held for us.

From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wings: Revelations (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now