"Well I don't, Jaime," I said rather irritably. "I don't know why we suddenly stopped being friends and more importantly: I don't care."

"That's not true," Jaime said gently. "We both know you do."

I glared at my best friend, crossing my arms over my chest defensively. "If you're not going to help me, then leave me to figure it out on my own."

"You can't do it without me," Jaime countered. "Blood oath, remember?"

"Honestly I'd rather face the consequences of the blood oath than have to deal with Kellin's annoying ass," I scoffed.

"Well I'm hurt Vicky," the all too familiar voice drawled. "Really, I am."

Kellin floated down from the ceiling, grinning at Jaime and I like the goddamn Cheshire cat.

"How long have you been here?" I yelled at him.

"Long enough," Kellin answered simply, floating past Jaime until his feet reached the floor. "You were too busy arguing to hear me come in though."

"Hello Kellin," Jaime greeted him. "Sorry for trying to kill you."

"That's okay," Kellin grinned. "I think the gesture was amusing."

"Amusing? We tried to kill you," I said, dumbfounded.

"Yes, key word there being 'tried'," Kellin smiled.

"Go away," I said exasperatedly, scrubbing my face as I spoke.

"Well there's no fun in that," Kellin said. "Is there?"

I bent my knees, gaining momentum before I jumped to the air and instead of falling, continued to rise. The rooms in the old tower that I lived in had high ceilings made for chandeliers and general aesthetics. Instead, I had shelves upon shelves running up along the walls of this particular room, filled with bottles and boxes of ingredients for potions or large dusty spellbooks.

But today I wasn't heading toward any of the shelves, instead continuing to just drift upwards.

"What's he doing?" I heard Kellin ask from below me.

"Having a tantrum," came Jaime's curt reply. "He's gone up there to sulk."

"So, why haven't the two of you tried to kill me this time?" Kellin said, his voice increasing in volume to make sure I could hear from all the way above him. "I have expectations for the two of you."

"We weren't expecting you to come back again," I replied, my voice equally loud for the same reason. "We didn't prepare this time."

"Actually we thought you were going to devise a plan to kill Vic," Jaime explained.

"Course not," Kellin laughed. "He's too much fun. I'd be bored without him."

"Bored?" Jaime began and I could hear the smirk in his tone. "Or lonely?"

Kellin paused, a silence settling over the room. "What do you mean?"

"Jaime," I warned.

I had reached the ceiling and turned so that I could look down at them. Even from here I knew Jaime could see the daggers I was glaring at him.

Abracadabra, You're Gay (Kellic) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant