Part 5

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It's been about four weeks since I came to Ben's pack and the wounds are almost completely healed. "Athena!" Kate, Ben's oldest sister, begins calling for me urgently. "Kate what's wrong?" I ask nervously looking for any sign of danger. "There is a rouge somewhere on our territory, Ben want's you to come to his office and stay there." She answers taking my arm and leading me to Ben.

The moment Ben see's me with his sister relief floods over his eyes. "Athena. I need you to stay with me until we can determine how the rouge got in. You are my mate and the luna, I don't want to take a chance in loosing you." Ben sighs pulling me into his chest.

I lightly kiss his neck showing I was listening. "I love you Ben. I promise I'm not going anywhere." I smile.


After several hours of looking over maps and charts Ben, Jackson, and William finally give up. "I honestly don't know." Ben groans. Standing from my spot on the couch reading a book, I look at the maps and charts.

Pointing to a spot on the map I look up at Ben, "There. The patrol was together here leaving this spot open for 2-3 minutes. Long enough for someone who is paying attention to notice and get through." I sigh looking at the three men. "Thank you Athena." Ben smiles kissing my forehead.

Smiling at how I could help I walk to the door. "I'm going to go help make dinner". I walk down the long narrow hallway alone until a hand shoves me to the ground. "Ben is mine. I am having his baby and he will love me because of it." The girl growls.

As I open my mouth to say something Ben beats me to it. "Zoey, you are not having my child. I know for a fact, and the next time you treat your future Luna like that again, you will be removed from the pack and your rights to your baby." Ben growls.

I watch as she backs away in fear. Quickly she runs off leaving just Ben and I. "Athena, are you okay?" Ben asks kneeling next to me. "I'm fine. But I could use a hand getting up." I reply as he holds out his hand hoisting me up off the ground.

Ben wraps his arm around my waist guiding me to the kitchen where we find his mom and oldest sister. "Hi Athena, darling! Ben can you please go find your father for me?" Paisley asks her son after greeting me. Nodding Ben quickly leaves the kitchen abiding to his mother's request. "So Athena, any chance you two will mate soon?" Kate asks quickly. "I don't know, maybe." I reply. "Well I want some grandkids, so you two best get it in gear." Paisley jokes.

After she says that, Ben and his father enter the kitchen with concerned expressions. "The Red Stone pack is asking us for help. I have to go to their territory in two weeks." Ben sighs sadly looking towards me.

Well great.

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