Part 2

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I pull a green dress on over my head as I cover the bruises and cuts from Margret's beatings. "Ah, smart of you to listen. Now go help finish everything before I decide otherwise." Margret growls. I quickly move away to the kitchen where Mrs.Anne is cooking. 

I smile when I see her swollen stomach. "Ah, Athena! I hope this baby is just as beautiful and helpful as you." Anne grins rubbing her belly. "Well, I hope she doesn't cause her mom and dad to much trouble." I grin picking up plates to take to the tables. 

Once I place the items on the table I make my way back to the kitchen as a knock rings on the door. "Everyone line up, the King would like to speak with you." Margret sighs impatiently. I go straight to my spot next to Anne and bow my head.

When the door opens an amazing aroma of chocolate and strawberries fills my sense of smell. "Welcome to our pack, these are the cooks and maids." Margret says monotone. 

Slowly I hear footsteps move closer to my small frame. Two fingers lift my chin and I see it's the King. "Mate." he whispers. Gasping I back away and run out the door. Tears flow down my cheeks as I crash to the ground in the middle of the woods. 

Two wolves appear and from the crowns marked on their wolf's shoulders I know it's my mate's Beta and third in command. "Go back to the pack's house." I hear the King sigh. He gently tries to pull me in for a hug but i resist. 

Eventually I give up and sob in his arms. "It'll be okay." he whispers kissing my forehead. "You don't want me, an omega." I whimper looking away. "You're my mate. No matter what I do want you. You're my other half." He states looking intently at me. 

I try standing but instantly fall from the pain of my ribs. "What's your name?" he asks sadly as he picks me up gently. "Athena. What's yours?" I ask taking in all his features. "Benjamin, Ben for short." he replies.

Once we get back he places me on the ground. "I suppose you shall come home with me soon." he smiles taking my hand. Nodding I go back to the kitchen alone where Margret is growling. "You." she scowls. 

I begin to panic with every step she takes. "The King is not your mate. He is my daughter's mate. You're gonna pay." she growls raising her hand I close my eyes bracing for the beating. A beating that never strikes. 

Opening my eyes I look to see Ben holding onto Margret's arm preventing the blow to my torso. "She is my mate. You are demoted as a Beta. Both you and your mate. If you ever hurt another pack member you will have me to deal with. Jackson, William. Time to go. Athena, have anything you'd like to bring?" he asks as his eyes soften

Shaking my head I hug Anne and take Ben's hand beginning to walk to the cars. Time to face my new life as a Queen with my King next to me.

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