Meeting her

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15 years ago
As every child takes their first breath upon the world, they would look into the eyes of their loved ones, smiles would be blooming on their parents' faces as s/he breaks into tears as the cries echoing through the hospital room. While the doctors and nurses will congratulate for having an additional family member added to one's family and of course, those children are expected to be love. Grow up to fulfill their own ambitions, also known as dreams. Dreams, a desire wish that every child wishes to become when they grow up. Many wishes to be doctors to save lives, or become the best sport champions that will break endless records, or perhaps a famous singers that everyone will look up to but not him. Not Kim Taehyung, a boy who has no ambitions but only wish to survive day by day and fight back against the cruel world.

Every day in life was like hell to him after his mother passed away due to lung cancer when he was at the age of 5 years old. His father had soon fallen into depressions, yes he did get help from many psychiatrists, but they were only a waste of money. Seeing no progress was made from his sections, he soon gave up and started taking his angers out on Taehyung by beating him. His father claimed that he was a burden that brings painful memories of his late wife back to him.

As the morning came, Taehyung opened his slightly red eyes that were caused due to crying, his body was also sored from the beatings that he received from his father many nights before. Bruises were presented on his aching body, such as knees, stomach, and especially his back wounds that were screaming to be treated. Woken up from the hard ground floor, he slowly sits up, trying to recall last night events only to realize that he passed out in the living room while his father was beating him up the night before.

A cute little sigh escaped his lips as he slowly stands up. His tiny hands pushed against the floor using every strength he had left to push himself up. His hands soon found and gripped onto the furniture and walls to help him walk with his shaky legs to do his daily morning routines. As he carried out his routines slowly, he came to a realization that the house was quiet, too quiet in fact. Usually, his father would always yell at him to hurry up and finish his breakfast to get out of his sight. lt was cruel for a parent to do so, treating their child like trash. However, instead of feeling hatred for his dad like any child would. He on the other hand was thankful for the meals and by convincing himself that at least his father still "care" for him.

Taehyung looked around the house for any sight of his father but only to be greeted by silent and an empty house. He decided to make his way to his father's room. Step by step he took slowly walking up the cold stairs while using the walls to supported himself. As he soon reached the end of the stairs, he saw a glimpsed of light shining through the tiny crack of the door indicating that it wasn't fully closed. Standing in front of the door, reaching out his right hand to pushed the door open and only to regreted it right after.

The horror was shown in his eyes and soon to be floated with tears in a matter of seconds after witnessing the sight in front of him. His father on the cold ground with red stains on his right hand, body faced the ceiling with the company of his own blood. Left hand holding the blood stained knife and with an expected reaction from any kid when they see blood would have. They would fall on the floor and be traumatized, just like Taehyung.

Right there and then lies, Kim Taehyung's father who have committed suicide leaving his 5 years old son in the comfort of the cruel world alone.
Skip forward 2 years later
Taehyung is now 7 years old, sitting on the ground beneath the tree while staring at the kids running around him. Having the time of their life playing tag and tick tack toe. He hated this place, BigHug church, where the orphans children live with nothing was free here. Meals and spaces aren't free here, if you want them, you would had to fight for them. If you're hungry, you would had to fight with the others in order to receive enough food to consume for the day. If you want to sleep, you must fight for a spot to rest. Taehyung didn't like that, he didn't like fighting because it wasn't nice, or so he was taught by his late mother and that was what he did. He didn't fight back because he believed that it wasn't worth it, but as time goes by he realized that he needed to fight if he wants to survive because no one will have time to etheir pity or have mercy on him, not even the nuns. The nuns could care less about the kids' happiness, all they want is to finish their duties and call it a day. So, he started learning and developed the skills to fight back, to defend himself from this cruel world.

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