Chapter 1 ~ A Normal Life

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Hello everyone! Author chan here, This is my first fanfic I've ever written before and sorry If it sucks. (Not sorry) I will be updating like once and month or twice a month, It all really depends on time. (Im such a busy person. I literally don't have time for anything).
The music that I will add on every chapter are songs that I love and it might go along with the chapter.
And please don't hate on it just tell me what you liked, dislike, what I should do to improve on my writing, any questions, cooking tips on the comments. Thats all for right now, Happy Reading! (ω╹๑)/ ~~

^^^ The song is called 'A Little too Much' by Shawn Mendes.

(Your name) P.O.V.

"Hi mother... I just wanted to tell you that Im doing okay. I've been taking care of the family like you told me to, one step at a time. Ian is a happy 7 year old, turning 8 next week. Cecilia is a happy 12 year old, helping me around the house while having fun of course and Dad.... Well lets just say, he has not been himself since you've died mom... Hopefully sometime he can get back up on his feet and start being himself again..." 

  Its been three years since my mom had passed away and I have been raising my family. Its hard raising my little siblings and my drunk father but I try to do everything in my power to make my family happy.

  "I know Im only 19 but Im a tough cookie. One day, Im going to make you proud. Okay mom? Just you wait." I stood up from kneeling on the soft grass and placed a bouquet of red roses in front of her grave stone.

"Well, I have to be on my way... I love you mom. Don't ever forget that." I wiped away my tears. I kissed the palm of my hand and touched my moms name embedded in the cold hard stone. I took a glance of her grave stone one last time before I walked away heading home.


"Why isn't the dinner on the table?!" He slammed his bottle of beer on the table.

"S-Sorry father I visited mothers grave today and I forgot that I had to make dinner." I begin to reheat chicken we had last night for dinner.

"Why are you visiting that dead woman anyways?! Shes dead leave her alone! She wanted to be alone thats why shes dead! Stop visiting her grave!"

"Mother didn't wanted to be alone! She wanted to stay here with us! She loved us! She died because of cancer. Cancer took her away. She never wanted to leave us."

"I'll believe that when chickens fly. Now wheres my food?!" He slammed the beer bottle on the floor shattering it. "See! Look what you did! Get me a beer woman!"

"Right away father." I opened the fridge taking out a bottle of beer and placed it in front of him along with the plate of chicken.

He begins to eat as I quickly clean up all of the broken glass from the floor throwing it in the trash can.

"What kind of foolishness is this?!" He threw the chicken leg back on the plate. "This is disgusting!"

"No father, It isn't. Maybe you should stop drinking beer. It's probably because of that the food tastes wrong."

"Don't tell me what to do woman!!" he shouted causing me to flinch. He got up grabbing the plate of food and throwing it in the sink. "Now. Im going to go get some real food. Don't expect me to come back." He made his way out slamming the door.

  Sighing, I made my way upstairs to check on my sister and brother and they were peacefully asleep next to each other. Smiling, I closed the door to their room and I went downstairs again. I looked out the window to see my father getting on his horse and running off into the distance. As usual, he always comes back in the morning for food so I wouldn't worry about him. I laid down on the couch and cuddled up with a (Favorite color) blanket falling asleep. 


"(Y/N)! Open the door!" I hear someone shout and banging on my door. Groggily I made my way to the door and opened it up revealing Mrs. Reynolds, a neighbor from across the street.

"What is the matter Mrs. Reynolds? Its the middle of the night Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Y-Yes Im fine but your fathers horse, Midnight came galloping in here like she was scared or frightened by something..."

"And where is my Father?"

"See thats the thing...He wasn't on the horse..." Mrs. Reynolds fidgeted with her hands.

I gasped. "Oh No... I have to go and find him! Mrs. Reynolds, take care of Cecilia and Ian. I'll be back."

"No! Don't go! This is Dark Link is out there!, He will kill you in an instant!" She held my arm begging me not to go.

"I know, but he's got my father. Imagine what he'll do to him!" I let go of her grasp and I quickly got on Midnight cracking the reins making her run full speed as I left Kakariko Village emerging into the deep dark forest where The Prince of Darkness lives...

A Shadow can Love (Dark Link x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon