Family.. That's who these people are. Its always been my dad and I. But now its not, these people are part of my team, part of my family.

The rouges and the others they have with them come from the shadows they are surrounded with so much darkness and hate and pain. They stop once they cross the line of the trees and I look them over.

There's the things.. These monsters they look like some sort of mutated demon wolf men half wolf half men their bodies hunched their faces morphwn in to half a wolf there eyes a mucky foggy red color their breathing is shallow.

"What are those things. " Kato mutters from behind me.

And it all clicks as I see a woman with a sadistic grin step forward her hair as black as coal he eyes the color of fire her skin that of a porcelain doll her teeth shining white... I know this woman.

"Hell hounds.. That woman he name is Athena she is a witch from hell... Literally from hell. She killed my father. Shes my mother.. " I say in a deadly low voice dripping with so much venom every word burns my throat.

There's a wave of gasps and the woman's grin grows. "Hello me dear daughter, have you missed me? " she asks in her demonic sickly sweet tone.

"Not in the slightlest. " I snarl my eyes burning my body shakes as the fire builds in my vains.

"Oh but my child. If it wasn't for me that pure Power you feel coursing through your vains this very moment wouldn't be there." She says mockingly smirking.

"Id rather this darkness not be apart of me.your vial blood coursing through my vains it is disgusting. " I seethe.

"Oh, my dear Jezabell who are trying to fool? Anyone with a brain can feel that the darkness becomes you. " she laughs darkly.

A few of the wolves growl behind me ready to fight.

"That is NOT my name. Why are you here Athena?" My shaking with anger.

"Oh silly me! I believed it was obvious... Im here for you!" She claps her hands together.

Timor suddenly appears at myside and looks at me an unreadable emotion washing over his eyes.

"Ah, I see. This is why you betrayed me.. You've fallen for my Daughter. Oh why did I not see it before!" She laughs gleefuly.

I look at Timor our eyes connect and emotions wash through me...when it all clicks "You were reporting to her this whole time.. My whole life. It was you."

"No, please listen to me. That is not the case she came to me threatened if I did not turn you dark that she would kill you and i as she did your father. I had no choice" and for the first time emotions are bursting from his ever word as he pleades.

And though I shouldn't, I believe him. I node and turn back to her.

"Fuck you. "I snarl.. And that was the straw that broke the camels already bent back.

Her smile drops in to a sinister glare ready for death. She raises her hand and then closes her hand in to a fist and they all charge with a deathly battle cry flooding around her like waters through a flood gate.

I yell and running forward and everyone follow and we all collide in a thundering clash I run up to a rouge flipping landing on to his neck holding his head in my pands pulling and twisting quickly braking it with ease.

I take down a few more punching my hand threw there chest and ripping out there hearts without blinking.

I look around seeing the fight raging blood being spilt my heart pounding violently in my chest as some of my team die I see Kato struggling with a hell hound and Brittany fighting a wolf in her wolf form.

I feel my vains burn hotter as I take off towards Kato I run jump kicking its legs causing them to buckle bending in and odd angle giving Kato the advantage and he rips its head off letting out a furious growl the body drops kato looks up with a smirk winking.

I look around seeing that we are winning we are over powering them, some retreating and then the unthinkable happens when a howl of pure agony rips through the air and my head snaps in the direction of the howl.

"NOOOOOO! " I scream as I witness Athena ripping a wolf in half and she vanishes along with the others still alive.

I run over towards the mangled, torn body, dropping to my knees, trying to figure out who it is. When I already know because every fiber of my being is telling me the pain in my heart screams at me but I refuse to let it in, I can't let it in.

"Jaxon." A voice whispers timidly. But I dont answer. I can't answer or ill let it all in, it will come flooding in.

And then it happens some one utters the name...

"It was Brittany... " a voice whispers.

And that's when the burn turns in to a raging fire my skin burns to the touch my eyes turn complete white black vains sprout out overing my body a growl rumbles through my chest and my body moves on its own accord taking off in to the forest as I hear faint yells.

My wolf breaks free and the true monster takes over this darkness ive never felt before numbs my heart and stains my soul a howl ripples through me and I run faster the wind whipping through my fury and the trees completely blur when suddenly the pain is gone I feel nothing but blood thirst and the need for revenge... The old me died right then..
(Not edited)
Aurthers note!! (Please read)
You've reached the end! But dont be sad...

Okay so writing this, was... omg I couldn't breathe.... I loved writing this long ass chapeter. Im sad to say this is the end of this book but I strongly believe in series types! So would you all like a second book??????!!!!
I'll schedule publishes so i post Sore frequently! I totally have an idea for the next one just let me know if you are at all interested!! Xoxo till next time!

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