"Well," I began, looking down at her. She had the biggest grin on her face and I laughed before bringing my attention back to them.

 She had the biggest grin on her face and I laughed before bringing my attention back to them

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"She was working at Mrs. Huang's - "

"God bless her soul," Miss Pam said, and I nodded. Weeks later and that was still some crazy ass shit to hear. Somebody in this neighborhood caught four bodies, and was running loose, and it could be someone we knew.

"And she was in there, reading a magazine when me and my boys came in and, this must've been her second or third day so, I'd never seen her before. At first I wasn't gonna talk to her, but then I kept thinkin' to myself like, 'dang, this gotta be one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen in my life'. So, I decided I was gonna go to talk to her. Then I went to go talk to her, and then she was bein' just a little standoffish with me, but I kinda liked it. After that I asked for her number and she told me no."

They started chuckling to themselves and Darrell spoke up.

"Why'd you tell him no, Bianca?"

"Because I didn't know him," she replied, smiling.

"And then after that I came back in and asked for it again, and she rejected me. Finally I got my friend Cedric - who's in the group with me, he can sing out of this world - to go in there and give her the phone number to our apartment, and I guess she decided to take a chance so she called. And then after that phone call she didn't talk to me again, and finally like a week later this girl that works with our group convinced her to go on a date with me, and she liked me. And I guess the rest is history," I finished up, and they looked satisfied with what they heard.

And suddenly, Bianca's hand was back on my thigh.

As we finished up dinner with her aunt and uncle we went back and forth with each other under the table, her hand toying with my belt buckle and mine going in between her thighs. Neither of us could wait until this was over and we could go to her room. I mean, I was interested in what was in there, but I also interested for....other reasons.

We got up from the table, and I was surprised my shit wasn't poking out from my damn pants.

"That door better stay open, little girl," I heard Darrell mutter to Bianca, before Miss Pam stepped in.

"Why do they gotta keep the door open? Let them have a little bit of privacy, they're two adults."


"Darrell, I said let them close the door. They are not children. Besides, I have to talk to you anyways," she said, obviously putting her foot down. He narrowed his eyes at her before turning back to Bianca.

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