CHAPTER 28 Show Me the Way

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Although I continued to feel like I hadn't slept at all, I knew I must have drifted into REM sleep at some point because I vividly recalled my dream before my eye lids could even open and glimpse the morning light. Added to the Ty mix last night were the Sefer Raziel and the Ataroth.

From my rooftop hangout, I saw Ty walking through my back yard toward the woods. I called out to him but he didn't seem to hear me. I jumped off my roof and managed to land gracefully, as though I were Lara Croft and this was something I did every day. I followed him into the forest but could never seem to catch up to him. When he arrived at a clearing, others were there but I couldn't make out their blurred faces, even in the brightness of the full moon. I stopped at the periphery, hiding behind the trunk of a large oak, feeling anxious. They turned to him all at once and one of them said something I couldn't understand. He produced the sapphire book, Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, from a messenger bag that I hadn't noticed before and handed it to someone in the group. They all began to chant and, as their chants got louder, Ty produced fire in his hands. A ball of fire about the size of a baseball was hovering slightly above each of his palms. He raised his hands and the chants became louder still...

...and then I was awake.

I reached for my clock and shut off the alarm before it sounded. I shuffled to the bathroom and avoided the mirror as I turned on the shower, getting in before the water had a chance to get warm. The cold stream shocked me into awakeness.

When I was ready, I went to the kitchen to have my usual cup of coffee while I waited on Ty. Since I hadn't made him privy to any of my dreams, mainly because Michael was often the star, I didn't think it would be a problem to keep last night's dream, as well as my visit to Mr. Joshua's house, to myself. I would be "prudent", as Mr. Joshua had recommended.

Most school days flew by now that I was familiar with my classes, teachers, and fellow students, and complacent within the system. SouthEffinghamHigh School, Home of the Mustangs, was where my life was still ninety-five percent normal. I was forced to concentrate on my subjects and was glad I was carrying a full load. Today was different, though. I couldn't wait to see Miss Ginny and the day felt as though it was passing in slow motion.

"What's up with you today?" Ty asked after Biology, only my third class of the day. "You seem anxious."

"Probably too much caffeine this morning," I shrugged. When we were at Sea Island over the summer, I had told Ty that I'd had trouble sleeping for as long as I could remember, so my caffeine excuse seemed plausible. He dropped it.

After the final bell, Ty was waiting for me at my locker, as usual. I was super tired and more than a little apprehensive about what Miss Ginny might have to say, but I did my best imitation of Savannah Stratton when she wanted something, as Ty approached.

"Hey, there," I said too cheerily.

"Hey, there, to you," he mimicked. Guess I was pouring on the mock Southern charm a little too thick.

"Just happy to see you, boyfriend. It's been a long day."

Angel or not, Ty was still susceptible to flattery. "I'm always happy to see you," he countered, oblivious to my complimentary diversion. "Let's get out of here."

He grabbed my hand and we walked happily to his car. "Would you like to go to the beach?" he asked as we were driving. "Or anywhere? It's a beautiful day."

"Wish I could, but I have a ton of homework today. Rain check?" I smiled, not wanting to break the mood. Homework involved Michael and where Michael was involved, the mood could turn dark quickly. Oh, crap, I thought. Michael. He'd be over to help with Statistics. I didn't have time for that today, but I hadn't cancelled either.

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