LBW: Part Five

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Pacifica laid down on the couch with a thunk, the Journal balanced on her stomach as she kept her hands behind her head and hair, closing her eyes as she tried to to relax.

Reading the Journal had been what was keeping her from going mad while wondering if there was more to what met the eye with Robbie, if he was using her sister for purposes that she really didn't want to believe were true, or just thinking she was insane and that Robbie was just a nice person who happened to be a teenage celebrity and was also a psychic.

Also, the incessant babbling from Fiddleford.

His babbling seemed to worsen after Wendy left to hang out with Robbie, He hadn't hurt himself or anything, but the strange comments involving the end of the world and some force coming to get you was non-stop. After the first time he screamed, Candy, who seemed strangely accustomed to this, escorted him away. She had asked Pacifica to leave the room as she took care of it. While she didn't want to be left in the dark about what was happening, she obliged for her sake.

That's when she started reading the Journal, to keep herself calm.

She flipped through the pages one more time, rereading the section which discussed ghosts, and just looking at some of the code lined within the pages, unable to break the code.

She had confirmed one thing a few days ago, that the supernatural existed. At least in this town, and that someone had studied the creatures, documenting them in this book. Who was it, though? It didn't look like anyone's handwriting she knew, perhaps they had passed away? But then why had it been in the care of sprites, as well? Why had any of the Journals been in their care? Was the Author the "They" the sprites had spoken of?

What about psychics? Is there anything about them?

Psychics, would there be? She wouldn't be surprised, but there didn't seem to be much in the Journal about psychics, or anything similar. Maybe it was just a stage act, but she didn't trust anything who wore such an odd haircut (which had to be bigger than his own head) with such pride.

There was a sound of the door opening, and Pacifica looked over in the direction of the front door, seeing Wendy appear in the doorway. She had the same ribbon on her wrist as before, and she was eyeing it, this satisfied, dreaming look in her eyes as she grinned at it.

"Hey Pacifica!" Wendy said, plopping on the chair beside the couch and looking for the television remote.

"First of all, don't bother trying. Great Uncle Fiddleford thre- misplaced it after you left," she replied, cutting herself off. "Second, where have you been? "You've been gone for hours."

"Oh, Robbie was showing me his studio which hey use to film some of his psychic shows. It was so cool Pacifica, you should've seen it," Wendy said, smiling even more, not even acting apologetic. "There was all this camera equipment on which you'd use if you wanted to make a movie, and he showed me how it all worked and even offered to let me use it sometime! Think about it, Pacifica, we could make a really cool mystery series!"

Pacifica narrowed her eyes, looking at Wendy. her hair seemed to have pieces of it standing up all on their own. Was that normal? She didn't think so. There was a difference between static electricity and plain weird.

"I think the air in that place though is weird, considering what they use to make a smoke effect for shows. Robbie said that's why he wears hairspray so much, to keep it from looking like he'd rubbed a balloon on his head. But either way, he's actually really awesome, and he acts like a gentleman," Wendy said with a bit of a chuckle.

"So, let me try to summarize this," Pacifica said, shaking her head a little. "You left to hang out with a weird psychic boy-"

"Pacifica, he's not weird," Wendy said, cutting her off. "Chill out. He's not a siren, or sprites who will try to attack us for a crime we didn't commit. He's an actual boy this time."

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