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jeongguk's day was well spent with seokjin splashing around in the cool waters of the ocean outside his home. they had wasted away most of their hours either on the water or the soft sand. the older had laid out a picnic blanket at one point, bringing out cheeses and grapes for them to snack on.

only when the sun had begun to go down did jeongguk say his farewells. his was unwilling to leave, being that he had so much fun with seokjin, but they still had classes the next morning. unfortunately for the both of them, they wouldn't get to see each other. his schedule the next day didn't have english as a class, his bio science and art theory taking up those hours instead.

by the time the sky was painted in fiery orange and intense pink, he had boarded the bus that would take him straight to his home. well, close enough to his home so he could walk up to the rickety building. his head laid against the grimy window and his dirty clothes from the night before were tucked into a plastic bag on his lap.

his hair and skin smelled like salt water and warm sun. he was sure the bridge of his nose and cheeks were sprayed in a pink that would last a few days, since he and seokjin had disregarded the use of sunscreen. what he didn't mind, however, was the glowing tan he acquired. that was much more preferable than a sunburn.

the ride would take about fifteen more minutes before his stop was reached, and he was unbelievably bored. seokjin had offered to drive him home, but he declined instantaneously, assuring the older that he didn't mind taking the bus.

the reality was that jeongguk didn't want seokjin to see where he lived, especially not after seeing the extravagant palace-like home the man resided in. and, she's, the older had been to his complex before. but that was one time and he most likely didn't remember much about the building to begin with. jeongguk's broken apartment was something he wasn't too proud of, though he knew he was being stupid about the situation, because it also was nothing to be embarrassed over.

he could feel himself growing worked up at the stringing thoughts that came to tell him how dumb he was being. not wanting to drive himself into a state of self-pity, he pulled his phone from his back pocket. he had the device shut off all throughout the day, not wanting his time with seokjin to be disturbed.

he hadn't checked his social media, his calls, nor his messages. hell, he didn't even turn it on to play a game. so when he waited for his screen to light up, the flooding of notifications he was greeted with had his heart racing in surprise. he had two missed calls from him parents, something he could easily return when he was in his home, and somewhere close to a thousand messages from his friends.

"friends," jeongguk couldn't help but voice the word out loud when he slid his thumb across his phone to bring him to the home screen. he clicked on the messages icon to reveal texts from the three contacts he had in his cell besides his mother and father.

the one with the least amount of messages came from jimin. the student who was the same age as taehyung and also from busan.

hey jeongguk, it's jiminnie!
sent 13:44

i didn't see you in today
with tae, so i figured i'd
just say hi? that's not weird,
right? tae thinks i'm being
sent 13:44

jeongguk laughed softly at the two messages, but didn't reply. they were sent hours ago so he didn't really see the need to continue on with the one sided conversation. he figured he'd just reply in person the next day, because he didn't want to seem rude.

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