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jungkook and taehyung were at one of the food courts on their campuses. the day was relatively warm with a nice breeze, so they opted for sitting outside. the green, holed bench they sat on was mainly occupied by them, their food, and their discarded bags.

taehyung, who ate his food in silence, was regarding the students who'd idle by, while jungkook was paying for his meal. once settling down across from his friend, jungkook placed a tangerine on tae's plate.

"what's this for?" the older asked, picking up the fruit and inspecting it. "your health." jungkook quipped, pointing his spoon towards the cookie and pack of sour gummy worms taehyung bought. "how dare you judge my lifestyle?" defensively, taehyung pulled his treats closer towards him.

"just eat the damn fruit, kim." jungkook playfully rolled his eyes. they exchanged smiles that may have been different in style, but matched in sincerity.

jungkook recalled the night he spoke to his parents about taehyung. he
practically gushed over the boy the entire time, convincing his parents he had a crush on the boy. the misunderstanding was so embarrassing for jungkook that he dropped his phone in his bowl of cereal.

"would you like to finally meet my roommate?" taehyung's eyes were trained on his phone screen but their hopeful look soon met jungkook's. truth be told, jungkook was weary when it came to meeting new people. unlike taehyung, he wasn't someone who could just talk about every and any thing once meeting someone. he liked to feel the person out and it usually took him a while to get comfortable with people.

taehyung was an exception. that boy could get along with just about anyone he was introduced to. it was a talent jungkook wish he possessed. "does that mean we have to go to your dorm again?" he asked, not up for moving since he was already seated.

"no, his afternoon class got cancelled so he and our friend are having lunch. i was going to invite them to join but i want to make sure you're okay with that."

jungkook could've cried. his chest tightened and his breathing felt labored. he wasn't sure where the sudden emotion came from, but taehyung's empathy and understanding stirred something from within him. he almost blurted out how much he appreciated the other boy, but instead opted for a small smile of affirmation. "sure, i don't mind." he half lied.

jungkook was indifferent towards meeting tae's friends. though he would rather not, he felt that it was something he had to do for the older. taehyung's constant upbeat kindness made jungkook want to make him proud—it was a weird feeling.

"they're heading over here now, their building isn't too far from where we are." taehyung informed after sending a few messages. what jungkook didn't realize was just how close their building was from where they sat, because soon enough, two figures were headed quickly towards them.

"tae-tae!" one of the boys ran up besides taehyung, knocking into him. his arms circled the boy and he nuzzled his face into the crook of tae's neck. "jimin, must you always do that?" the other boy, who chastised said jimin, mumbled, pushing him off of taehyung.

jungkook watched the exchange stiffly, not knowing if he should just wait for them to notice him or greet the two extra guests.

"you're both so rude," taehyung lightly kicked jimin in the leg. "don't you see i have a friend with me." he jerked his head in the direction of jungkook's figure, widening his eyes for his friends to get the point.

"sorry," the boy who pulled jimin off of taehyung sat besides jungkook. he turned to the boy and gave a kind smile that made his cheeks rise. "i'm jung hoseok, you must be jungkook." he introduced himself while shocking jungkook at the same time.

hoseok laughed in amusement when seeing jungkook's expression. "he's told me a bit about you," hoseok pointed to taehyung with his explanation. "you're the only reason he even cleans up the dorm. i noticed how neat it's been and when i asked he wouldn't shut up about the freshmen he met in his english class."

"way to make it sound like i'm in love with him, hobi," taehyung threw a tangerine slice at hoseok's head. jungkook watched the piece of fruit fall to the floor with a look of betrayal. "and i did shut up about him, i obviously had to sleep right?"

jimin snorted at this and shoved tae's side. "you make no sense." he shook his head. "jungkook," jimin called out his name, "you look familiar." a frown deepened the shorter's eyebrows while he studied jungkook's features. 

"i don't know how, i'm not from here." jungkook cleared his voice so it didn't sound as timid and shy, but it still wasn't as confident and calm as tae's or hoseok's was.

"he moved here from busan for school," taehyung provided the information jungkook failed to mention. however, the younger wasn't upset by this because he wasn't expecting much to come out of this exchange. his slight accent made it clear that he wasn't from this part of town, but he was getting better at masking it, so it was slightly difficult to pin point where he was from exactly.

jimin's eyes filled with a certain enlightenment that weirdly made jungkook's insides twist. "so am i." he said, clearly holding back his excitement for the fact. jimin asked a few more questions, like which part of busan he lived in and which high school he attended. soon enough, they both found out they went to highschool together. yet being that jimin was three years older than him, they didn't see each much of each other.

jimin and jungkook started their own conversation on the topic of their home town, while hoseok and taehyung were engaged in their own. though jungkook wasn't too fond of talking about highschool, it wasn't tortuous when doing so with jimin. they mainly talked about the teachers they disliked and how horrible the school lunch was when the switched out lunch lady kwon.

all in all, jungkook had a good lunch break and he was glad jimin and hoseok came to sit with them.

he even gained two new numbers in his contacts list.


i was going to make this longer but yeet your feelings n this chapter

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