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It's been 3 hours since we left camp sunshine. The sun just  rose, and we're the only ones on the road.

Noah had a very good plan. Back at the camp, at exactly 4:30 he was outside of my window. I brought a long my black backpack, stuffed beyond capacity, and the smallest suitcase I had. I had to leave a few stuff in the cabin but I didn't really care. Noah though, somehow managed to bring all of his belongings.

About 30 minutes into the road, Noah and I both dropped by a bank to withdrawal as much money as we could handle. He said this way we wouldn't leave our trace at every place we would have used the credit cards.

"So when are you turning 18?" I asked him.

"In 2 days." he replied.

"No way! I'm turning 17 in 2days!" I exclaimed.

"Awh then we can celebrate our birthdays together. What a coincidence." he said.

Although I loved being on the run with him, there was one problem that kept nagging me. When Noah turns 18, it will be so much easier to charge him with kidnapping of someone underage. I calm myself with the thought that they can't blame him if I tell them not to, and that there was no harm done... Right? Well for now we're still two kids being crazy.

It's now 5 pm and Noah and I have decided were heading towards Los Angeles. During this long car ride, we seem to have been getting quite along. We've discussed from childhood memories, to favorite scary movies. I even got the nerves to tell him about the incident at the pool place. He was worried for me at first but I assured him I was much better now. Every now and then we pass through a tunnel, and Noah grabs my hand as if assuring me everything is fine. Then just keep holding hands until someone let's go to change the radio station.

This contact is definitely a new experience for me. At first I instinctively flinched whenever Noah touched me in the slightest way, but now I've grown used to it. Noah is probably my first friend in years. If he considers me his friend? I'm sure he does, I mean people don't just hold hands with other people for the heck of it do they? I may not be good at the whole socializing thing, but I'm pretty sure Noah and I are becoming very good friends.

"We should stop for something to drink, I'm kind of thirsty." I tell Noah.

"Sounds good, I could go for some snacks. Don't get soda; it will just make you feel tired out."

"I was thinking something more along the lines of Arizona ta." I assured him.

Noah stopped at a gas station in the middle of nowhere, that just happened to have a small convenient store. I got off of the dark blue car and stretched my legs and arms.

The convenient store had a lot of stuff for a tiny little thing. I immediately walked to the candy section, and Noah followed.

While looking through the chocolate bars I could swear someone was looking at me from a far. I looked around, to see no one. I assured myself it was nothing and picked out a candy.

While waiting in line, I took out a black rubber band from my pocket and wrapped my messy hair in a bun. Noah brushed a lock of hair from my face to behind my ear and put all of our stuff on the checkout mat. From a pair of glasses on the shelf in front of, I could swear I saw someone in the distance watching me. I turned around to nothing once again. My lack of sleep must be getting to me. I just can't seem to even take a nap when around Noah, if it means missing a second of our journey.

"How's your bruise?"

Noah asked.

"Much better." I replied, slightly smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2012 ⏰

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