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Chapter 2:


His British accent was hard to miss, yet it seemed to be blending into an American accent.

I took his hand,

" uh Hi, I’m Saphire. Everyone calls me Sam though"

Noah seem puzzled,

"That's odd, Saphire is such an interesting name? I'll call you saphire"

I couldn't help but to return a smile to his.

"What are you doing here?"

He seemed to have forgotten he had randomly showed up at my doorstep.

"Oh! You see I saw you walking with several bags and I wanted to offer my help"

I stared at him, confused.

"Well thanks? I don't think you realize I’m already inside and am no longer carrying anything..."

"Right! I uhm stopped to tie my shoe, you're a very fast walker"

I giggled a little at that. How odd.

"Well then-

He cut me off.

"Well now that I'm here would you like to come by for some soda? I doubt you really have any plans for the day. I'm right next door."

Suddenly everything made sense. This boy is living in the cabin of punishment as well, but on the boy's side. Well I'm sure socializing isn't approved by the counselors, but no one is around to notice. Plus I haven't had soda in forever since it's prohibited in camp grounds.

"Why not." I said as I closed the door behind me and followed this captivating stranger.

Noah led me through the paths that lead to the boys’ side of Camp sunshine. He seemed all too worry free, while I watched every corner to see if anyone was watching. When we reached his cabin, he politely opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I said.

This cabin was way too good-looking to be any sort of punishment. The bed was off to the side instead of the center, and roughly twice as big. In the middle were a round wooden table and a small refrigerator sitting next to it. This must have been a counselor’s office before.

"So let me guess, you got suspended for fighting with someone?" he chuckled

I looked at him suspiciously until I realized my cheek must still be a shade of red. I curled my fingers around my face,

"Uhm yeah... and you?"

He took out two canned sodas from the fridge and set them on the table, while pushing out a chair and motioning me to sit.

"I got caught with cigarettes... But they weren't mine I swear! This jerk decided it was funny to hide them in my bag right before the counselors started the weekly check."

I saw sincerity in his eyes, and believed him. Now I felt bad for not telling him MY whole story.

"Where did you get these sodas?" I said as I took a sip of the fizzy goodness I so dearly missed.

"I know a guy" he smiled.

Again I caught myself subconsciously smiling back at him. I guess contagious smiles do exist.

The bell for the next class rang.

"So tell me about yourself Saphire."

What exactly can I tell him? The truth? That might scare him off. But if I lie he'll be sure to catch it, I'm a horrible liar.

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