Chapter Twenty-Five: Princess First

Start from the beginning

"You're welcome, Your Highness," Kitty responded. Her Cheshire Cat smile was the widest and brightest I'd seen it in a very long time.


The following morning, right and early just after the absurd hour of four AM, the assembled Fifth Destiny and Kitty Cheshire sat at a cafe table in a diner. I still had no idea why the diner would even be open at this time. A man in a trucker hat and old jeans sat enjoying coffee at the bar, a tuxedoed and mustached limo driver a few stools down was sipping a cup of steaming tea, and a young family of four ate pancakes and bacon by the windows wearing shirts that read "DISNEYLAND 2017". It was easy to tell where they'd be headed off to after finishing their breakfast.

"I have something very important to ask you all after you decide what you'd like to order," I announced to my friends, all with their noses in their enormous menus.

"Okay," said Holly, whose teal eyes flicked up to mine for a moment, then returned to the menu. "Um... I guess I do, too."

Duchess, Cerise and Ally just nodded. Kitty's smile shrunk a little upon hearing Holly had something to say too. I must say I was curious about what it could be myself.

"I think I'll get a turkey, bacon and cheese omelet, with a side of extra bacon," Cerise said, her usual Cerise self.

Ally stared at her incredulously. "Where do you put it all?" she gasped.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to split chocolate chip pancakes but I guess not," Duchess added with a laugh.

"That's funny. Don't you remember that Cerise doesn't share food? You of all people should know-- she's tackled you more times than any one of us over it," Apple replied.

All three girls giggled, recalling the last time they'd gotten Old McDonald's, and Duchess had tried to grab a fry from Cerise's box after she'd finished her own. Kitty had nearly fallen off her chair laughing, I'd covered my mouth in a flimsy attempt to remain neutral, and Holly had dialed an ambulance on the phone without pressing call, just in case.

Ally and Duchess were their jolly usual selves as well.

Holly, however, quite obviously hadn't been alright in weeks. I thought she'd been paler than usual, and she lacked the usual enthusiasm and energy I'd come to greatly appreciate about her. She always had more weighing on her mind than what she revealed on her face to us, but I genuinely thought a quick trip to Wonderland could fix all of that and put a smile on her face. It had that effect on people.

The waiter stopped by moments later, and he left moments after that with an order for three plates of french toast, two plates of chocolate chip pancakes, an omelette with two side orders of bacon, a glass of milk, four coffees and one cup of black tea. He collected the menus on his way out, and Holly and I were finally given our friends' undivided attention.

I signaled to let Holly go first.

"So... I checked my email yesterday after the session and there was a video attachment from a random email I didn't recognize. Austin kissing his new girlfriend in his studio. It was... uncomfortable, to say the least. She's famous-- Becky G. I don't know why someone would send me that... or why someone would have it to begin with. Anyone have any ideas?"

All of the girls, including me, shook our heads.

"I don't have a clue," said Duchess.

"I would've thought it was Poppy," said Ally, "but I can't imagine she'd have a way into Austin's studio."

"Or Blake," added Kitty, "but Austin and Blake stopped working together right after Lizzie and him broke up. I doubt he'd have any interest in heading back to his studio any time soon." As she said this, she picked at her tapered, sharp nails, giving them more attention than the words she was saying.

I, however, took quite an interest in them. "How did you know that?"

Kitty shrugged, but her smile now seemed to mock me.

"As for why, I don't have any ideas," said Ally, "other than the obvious motive of making you uncomfortable."

Holly sighed and put her head down between her hands on the table. "I guess that's it then. If anyone thinks of anything, let me know. Lizzie?"

Now that that was over with, I smiled, clasped my gloved hands together on the tabletop, and said "Kitty and I are making a trip back to Wonderland on our time off after tomorrow. We'd love for you all to join us."

"Can you even deny a personal invitation from the heir to the throne?" Duchess mused.

"I've never had Wonderlandian food before. Seems like as good a time as any to try some," Cerise replied. When she grinned, her sharp canines were visible. I hoped the Queen's chef back at Hearts Castle would be prepared enough to adhere to Cerise's appetite on such short notice.

Ally chuckled at Duchess and Cerise's statements. "I'd love to visit Wonderland. I haven't been there in many, many years."

Holly was more hesitant. "I... I don't know, guys... I... wouldn't want to be a burden when you're wanting to have fun..." she ran a hand through the long, long strawberry strands of hair that hung out of her heavy ponytail near her face.

If Holly wasn't being the optimist here, something was definitely wrong with her spirits. "Of course not! We want you there! Plus, I think Wonderland could give you the getaway, and the pick-me-up, that you need."

Holly stared at me a moment, likely weighing and evaluating the truth of my words. After some time, she nodded. "Okay."

I couldn't remember the last time I'd been so happy. "Wonderlandiful."


Hi friends! I just wanted to clarify that I will be using the name "Becky G" for a character who is based off of the celebrity, but keep in mind that this character is still of their fairytale world. I could not EAH-ify her name as it is without making it impossible to tell that she is based off of the celebrity of the same name. I have nothing against this celebrity and am only using her name because she actually did date Austin Mahone who I originally used to create Austin King. This disclaimer goes for all original characters I base on real people or other fictional characters, if I offend anyone in my usage of creative freedom I am deeply sorry.
Thank you! Hope you enjoy!
xo Zoey xo

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