Chapter Thirteen: Things Just Got O'Hairy

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{Chapter 13 POV: Holly O'Hair}

I arrived at the Ever After mall with Ally by my side to see what Faybelle wanted. It isn't often that Faybelle and I talk, so I assumed it must be important.

Faybelle had wanted to meet in the food court, but when we got there, she wasn't there yet. We grabbed a table as far far away as we could from the tempting smell of hex fries and relaxed for a moment.

Two spellementary school girls who were at a nearby table glanced over and whispered about us for a few moments before coming over and revealing to us that they were huge fans who were really inspired by us. It was touching, and we signed a few autographs and took a few spellfies with them before Faybelle arrived.

I don't think I'll ever be used to having people obsess over me. I'm just... Plain old Holly from the tower. Still the same Holly I've always been... Just with a lot more attention and confusion.

Faybelle strode up to our table and pulled out a chair for herself. She was wearing her cheer sweats and appeared to be really tired. I began to wonder if this was about cheer. After giving it more thought, cheer problems don't seem like enough to have to call someone back home from their tour- and it surely wasn't anything you couldn't say over text.

"Oh, thank godmother you came. I have to tell you something really important," Faybelle said, out of breath.

"Do you want some water?" Ally asked her politely.

"No, thanks, I'm just... I rushed here so I could catch you guys before-" Faybelle's gaze caught on something in the distance behind me. "Oh no, it's starting," she sighed, hiding her face in her hands.

"What's starting?" Ally persisted.

Faybelle didn't look up, but mumbled "It's too late... I think you're about to find out."

Ally and Faybelle gasped.

I slowly turned around in my chair to see what they were staring at...

"She actually did it," Faybelle whispered.

I know I dropped my fairycino on the black tile mall floor, but I didn't jump to clean it up. My eyes widened and I could feel the tears welding up in them. I fought to keep my jaw from dropping. I can't believe this.

"Holly," Ally called, tapping my shoulder. "Hollz, come on, let's... We have to leave." Ally tried as hard as she could to lift my gaze, but it just wouldn't budge.

"This... This isn't... It's not..." I stuttered, before grabbing my purse and running for the nearest exit.

"No, Holly, wait!" Blake's voice projected across the food court, but I was not turning back around now. I could hear Ally chasing after me, Faybelle close behind her.

I dashed to our van parked in one of the mall VID (very important destiny) spots out front, opened the door, jumped inside, slammed the door closed and hid in the back seat to cry.

Blake was calling, and I stupidly picked up, feeling like I needed an explanation. "Holly? Oh, I'm so glad you picked up. It's not what-"

"Why would you- cheat on me? With her?" I tried hard to keep my voice from shaking.

"Holly, listen, I really didn't-"

"I trusted you..."

"Please, listen to me, she just showed up and-" I couldn't take anymore, knowing the tears would start streaming again, and hung up.

Ally and Faybelle had been following me and soon reached the van, yanking the door open.

"Holly!" They shouted, climbing in the van after me.

"That's what you wanted to show me?" I wailed sadly at Faybelle.

"No, I was trying catch you before then. I'm so sorry you had to see that," Faybelle defended herself.

"Holly... I'm so sorry," Ally said sympathetically.

I wiped a few tears away from my face, knowing that my mascara was running. "Why would he do that to me?"

The van was all too cold for a June afternoon. My tears were chilly on my face, and all I could think of was why Blake might turn on me like that.

"I don't know, I thought he was better than that," Ally whispered, trying to calm me down.

"He is," Faybelle insisted. "I'm pretty sure this was a set up."


"That's what I came to tell you. I think she set this up... Austin is working with her. I was too... Until I heard the new plan. I quit and had to tell you as soon as I could," Fay whisked a few stray hairs away from her face.

"Were you guys behind what Austin did to Cerise?" Ally questioned, suddenly sounding a lot angrier.

I was just relieved- and terrified. Really terrified. I knew what this meant even if Ally, Fay and the others didn't.

"Yes. I'm sorry. I swear the only part I had in it was sending that text to Cerise. I didn't even write it- she did." I wasn't sure whether or not to buy Faybelle's apology. I've never been good at telling if someone is sincerely sorry.

"Why would she-" Ally started, getting cut off by Faybelle once again.

"After I heard her most recent plan, it was so awful... I couldn't take it anymore and quit. When she found out I'd texted you to meet me so I could tell you about what she had planned, she must've somehow knew that I told you to meet here and she changed the plan. I guess she changed it after I left. Austin was to get Blake to the mall and she was going to make it look like he was cheating on you with her... So you'd be heartbroken. At least, that's how the original plan would've made it look," Faybelle explained, rushing to take breaths here and there just to get it all out.

Ally seemed puzzled. "So, we don't know that Blake did anything wrong..." Then she smiled at me hopefully, the positivity built into her personality shining through once again. It didn't help.

"Poppy did," I growled, so badly wanting to punch something.

My own sister, trying to ruin the lives of my bandmates and I... I always assumed when we broke out she was sad we didn't get any time together, not jealous of our newfound fame. I thought she was better than that. I thought she was better than all of this.

"Do you know why she would do that? She would never tell me," Faybelle asked, suddenly seeming a lot more concerned about me than I'd assumed before. She'd wanted to tell me Poppy was behind this from the minute she could. She had a part in what happened to Cerise, but I'm sure she had a good reason. Then of course, that motive was not something I was interested in at that very moment.

"You guys can't tell anyone this, okay?" I paused to watch Ally and Fay nod, "Poppy is actually a hair older than me... So she should technically have my Rapunzel story... Before, she had just let me have it, but it seems now she probably wants to take that from me also."

"So, we can't tell Headmaster Grimm about this?" Ally asked me.

"Like he's going to believe New Rebel Apple and the dark fairy," Fay groaned, seeing the struggle.

"Nope..." I sighed.

Ally leaned back against the seat, stressed. "So what are you going to do about Blake?"

I shook my head and shrugged. I had bigger things- like how to keep my destiny my destiny- on my mind.

{ZOEY NOTE: SOOOO GUYYYYYSSSS. How are we feeling after this? I really did forget I haven't put this out yet, I wrote it forever ago. I keep forgetting you guys don't know the whole story like I do. At least I get to keep you surprised and guessing! Remember to check out the note for this chapter in Fifth Destiny: The Note Collection, you'll be hearing from Poppy herself.}

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