hurts like hell (all era)

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✗this may be confusing i'll explain it at the end.
✗era:multi-era imagine
✗im not always going to make imagines with songs, but im in a mood today


how can i say this without breaking

you screamed as your best friend chased you around the backyard, a water balloon in hand. the afro-haired boy finally caught up to you and pulled you down with him, water splashing all over your, already wet shirt and his, red flanel. you both laugh out loud, laying on the grass, after a while the laughs dim down, as you both just lay there enjoying each others presence.

"y/n i have a question" michael asked.
"go ahead mike" you said turning your head to him.
his large afro brushes your hair. his eyes meet yours and he smiles widely.

"what if a friend likes another something more?"
"michael your 18 you obviously know what it means" both of you laugh.

"okay sorry for being cliche but how do i tell this girl about you know my feelings?" you arch your brow and sigh sadly.

"ya know just tell her, if she doesn't like you back it's her loss, your michael jackson! your the ultimate package" you wink and he giggles. if only he knew you were telling the truth.

"so who is this blessed lady?"
"her name is tatum ó neal-" as he rambles on and on about her, and how much he likes her. while you just stare in distance not listening

how can i say this without taking over

you sigh and watch the it couple of hollywood laugh and smile. you shake your head and look down obviously not wanting to see the guy your in love with, with his girlfriend. the couch sinks in, obviously someone sitting next to you.

"you have to get over him. obviously he doesn't want your best friend i need to tell you its his loss. he saw a piece of art in front of him and completely ignored it. how about i set you up with someone i know?" you sigh and shake your head.

"i dont really want any guy right now. the guy i have in mind is going to stay. janet he is accomplishing new things, he is becoming solo. off the wall is huge. the whole country wants him but i've wanted him way before. it isnt fair" janet sighs and lays her head down on your shoulder, thinking why you need to be so caught up on someone who doesn't like you back.

how can i put it down into words

"hey michael, this is the fifth time i've called, just wanted to congratulate you on your 8 grammys. brooke and guys looked amazing. you set a record! call back" has this been where it has come to? calling him, just for him to ignore you.

its become a pattern. you thought he loved you as a best friend, but all he has been doing is ignoring you. its time for a change. time to forget the man you once called your best friend.

time to forget michael jackson.

you pick up your phone and dial janets number.

"hey janet...remember that guy you told me wanted to meet me? tell him i'd love to meet him"

when its almost too much for my soul alone
your hands shake as your hand can barely hold the key or without the key shaking, due to the pain in your hand. your legs can barely hold you up, and your head aches with pain. your body looks as if you got into a car accident.

michael jackson imagines↣book 1Where stories live. Discover now