One Last Kiss-"She's Not Your's Anymore"

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You and the crew of 'Love Is The Name' have been real close. For the past weeks you have endured a lot of complex choreography, memorizing lines, rehearsing and trying on wardrobe. It's tiring but that's the perks of being famous. You and John have also been becoming friends, the media always goes on a frenzy thinking that you guys are dating, but you didn't want a boyfriend at the moment. To you, having a boyfriend that isn't Michael Jackson seems different. You and Michael dated for almost all you teenager years and adulthood up until you know...The video seems to be a success but you won't know that until it releases on MTV. It feels as if yesterday you were auditioning for Berry Gordy, for Motown. Now look where you are. Today was the last day of shooting the video. The last scene was when John's character walks up to your character in the dark and when you put his fedors back on his head. It was an intense moment, that signifies the moment where two people fall in love. The guy with the fedora, and the girl with the voice. Seems familiar doesn't it?

"Y/N I've seen how John looks at you...He's fine as hell your real lucky gurl"

You chuckled and looked at him. To you he's just Uncle Jesse.

"Nah. I'd rather be single right now. And dating another star? No thank you. Paparazzi, rumors, it's too much. And plus, when you date a star, there's always other perfect models chasing after them"
"I see..."

She looked at you in a manner only a worried friend would look at their friend. She knew you were afraid for another relationship with a star, or another relationship in general.

"Y/N and John on set please"

You sigh and walk on the scenery. You look a John with his fedora on, long black hair, tan skin.

'Don't think of him......"


"Everyone is in love with Y/N Y/L/N's new music video 'Love Is The Name'. With full house actor John Stamos, they both make a undeniable chemistry on set who knows maybe off set? More next"

"Janet what am I supposed to do? Watch her fall in love with someone else, or that Uncle Jesse type?"

Michael talked to his little sister. He also saw the video, he loved it. Well except the parts you were with John. He couldn't help it he got so jealous SO SO jealous, just the thought of you with another guy makes Michael nervous. Even broken up, Michael thinks of you as a adorable cinnabon roll that needs to be protected at all costs. When he watched the video, he couldn't help but admire your every move. Your voice, your aura, your movement. All perfection in Michael's eyes. He couldn't help but think was this song about him? The fedora, the man that looked a lot like him...

"Michael he's not a bad person"

Janet speaked to her older brother. Ever since Michael and Y/N broke up, Janet has had to be there more for Michael. Y/N was always there for Michael, and now that she's gone, Janet always has to cheer him up. Janet sees the love Michael has for you. She sees that after all these years with the mention of your name he starts blushing like crazy. He loves you.

"But he should be no where near Y/N!"
"Michael their co-stars. It's professional, stop acting like how you were when you were 14 remember?"

It was the 1972 Oscar Awards. A night where all the biggest stars of Hollywood gather together, and recognize the stars who deseve to be recognized. A variety of stars introduce and reward fellow celebrities, and it's the only time were all celebrities are in one arena without being jealous or mad at eachother. Well..maybe. A time where the upcoming stars meet the biggest stars. The Oscars. What a night. The Jackson 5 was there, The Y/L/N's were the and The Osmond Brothers. The three biggest family groups of music industry right now. With Michael, Donny and Y/N as the youngest stars in music right now.  It's been thirty minutes in the show, and Donny has had his eyes set on Y/N, his intentions well. Michael being Y/N's still hidden boyfriend not enjoying Donny's intrest and witty remarks at his beloved girlfriend. They may be only 14 but they're all feeling a few things right now. The Jackson 5 has had a rumored rivalry with The Osmonds. But in reality they both respected eachother and each others success. Right now Michael is feeling the rivalry.

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