One Last Kiss-A Year Later

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"After about more than a decade of defining couple goals, sadly Y/N Y/L/N and Michael Jackson have broken up. Why? We do not know? The number one reason people think this happened is because guess what? They broke up a few days after the infamous Tatiana kiss, I would understand Y/N. If she broke up with him, we dont really know why or who broke up with who, but we'll hope to find out soon. So far Michael is still continued on his tour, and Y/N is releasing new music! Keep watching for more information"

1 year later...


It's been now a year since you left Michael, broke up with him, left the only person who supported you. You left hapiness. At the time it was hard to cope with, just knowing your not going to wake up to his face, making you fall in love all over again. It was hard to cope with, the fact your not going to hear his voice, of course your both in the music industry and you can hear his voice everytime you turn on the radio. But just to hear his sweet 'I love you's' or his advice to you. It just feels like your world went from, pre-school, a worry free, happy place, to college, a stressful, tiring place. You hear he's dating, Tatiana now. At first you thought how selfish, gullible, and heart breaking he is to even consider dating her. But now you honestly do not care because he is not your boyfriend anymore, and you don't need to matter about, him or his personal life. You have done very proud-worthy stuff as well. Your album 'On Purpose' went platinum, and it's been nominated for several awards. You honestly love everything about your new album. It's a new image for you, back in the early 80's you were the 'sweet innocent America's angel' well such songs like 'Smoke And Fire' and 'Take A Hint' were anything BUT innocent. No the songs did not talk about inappropriate topics, thats too weird. But it was anything but 'cliche love songs'. The more well known song 'Love Is The Name' is soon going to have a music video put for it, and they are still deciding the casting. This video was more like a short film. But a very short film. Your glad that your taking more seriously and taking away the image of the bubble gum pop princess you got when you were in 'The Y/L/N Sisters'.

When you left, it felt like you were doing something you know you will regret. You know that a few days from then, you would be scolding yourself and asking 'why did you do that?'. The first few days were like that.


You were on the plain, to go to Los Angeles. Recently you just ended the strongest relationship you've ever had with anyone. When you leave New York, your leaving him. The one who brights up your world. What else is there more to give in life when you can't do it with someone? That was your thoughts a year ago, now your proud to be a single, independent women. You don't need a man, for hapiness. But that was not your thoughts a year ago. A year ago you'd be sobbing, watching Full House, eating chocolate ice cream, now your out there waiting for what's to come. It has already felt like days, the last time you saw Michael. When you were dating, it was either 'Michael and Y/N' or 'Y/N and Michael' That's how close you guys were. But it's now all faded away. You look out the window, and observe the sky. Knowing God is looking at you, respecting every single one of your decisions. Knowing that, he knows your doing this for yourself. Knowing that no matter what he is protecting you from a storm called life.

You look down at what used to be our relationship. From afar the grounds of New York looks, flaw-less, and perfect. But once you dig deeper, you see that it's no where close to perfect. That is kinda like your relationship with Michael. In a way. Flawless outside, over dosed with flaws in the inside. Of course you never expected a cliche, only believable in fan fiction, relationship with Michael. But you never expected such heartbreak either.

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