"How old are you?"

"That's my business not yours." 

Yeah I know I had been planning to get out of here by acting good, but something about this man upset me.

"Stubborn? Huh? You look about my sons age maybe a bit younger. Where do you live?" He asked.

"In town, now I really need to go before I get into anymore trouble," and then took off.

I shook my head at the old memory. God I really was stubborn, but at least I knew who not to trust. I was about half way there and it started to sprinkle so I stopped and pulled on my sweatshirt. I reached the house and knew it was show time. I continued through the creek with the cold water freezing my toes even though I wasn't making physical contact with the water.

I saw lights pour out onto the dark lawn and the woods past, and knew I found my target. I slowly watched as two people through the upstairs window tackling each other. It looked more for fun than for anything else. I found the beautiful glossy black Ferrari in the drive way. I pulled out a bucket full of paint remover from my duffel bag.  We had a bunch of it because the boys used to constantly change the color of the car. Mom insisted we get rid of it each time.  I slowly dumped the bucket of clear thick liquid onto the car making sure I got almost all of it. I then popped open the car's hood, and messed around pulling out the ignition. I stuffed it into my hood pocket. I then moved onto setting up the trap for when they opened up the hood.

After 10 minutes I had a beautiful trap that would cover them in oily goop. I pulled out the ignition and keyed up the Jeep right behind the Ferrari. I then moved on to the motorcycle leaning against the back of the shed. I felt a pity for what I had planned for it. Man I always wanted a motorcycle. It was a deep red and silvery color. Screw my plans from before, I'm taking this. I quickly walked the motorcycle out to the end of their extremely long gravel driveway. I could see the main road and slipped onto the motorcycle putting my now empty bag under the seat and pulled on my helmet hiding my entire face. I twisted the key and clicked the small yellow kill switch to on. The engine caught. I laughed as I thought of what an idiot the owner must be if he left the keys in the motorcycle. I had to hold onto the clutch to make sure it didn't speed out from under me. I slowly started to twist the throttle and the motorcycle started moving. I loosened my grip on the clutch and sped down the highway that led right through town.

It felt exhilarating. I pulled the plastic part of my helmet up so I could feel the wind on my face. This must be what it feels like to be a wolf. My hair was caught in the wind, once my hair tie slipped free. My hair sounded like a flag whipping behind me. I laughed so much enjoying myself as I gained more speed.

I had to start slowing down as I hit town. I pulled the plastic back on over my face to hide myself. I headed down to a garage that I knew would be open. It was always filled with teenage boys no matter the time. Pulling up I caught the attention of everyone as I revved the engine. I stopped and turned off the engine. I realized the garage was blasting with music. It may be about 2 in the morning but the place was filled with kids from my school and the one I would have gone to if I hadn't moved. I noticed several girls around. I slowly removed my helmet and ran a hand through my hair making sure it wasn't a big mess. I put the helmet on the seat as I got off the motorcycle.

"Hey Chance," I said over to one of the boys who was on the football team. He wasn't a werewolf though, so he didn't hang out with us as much as I do with the others.

"Hey Eliana. I have many questions so I'll just start with what's with the bike?" He asked.

"It's a long story, but I want it repainted. Possibly a glossy black."

Chance and a few others who knew me laughed, knowing it was stolen.

"Ok but if some mad biker comes knocking around I'm gonna have to rat you out," Chance said.

His dad owned the shop, but his friends made this their hang out place on the weekends, so his dad said they could as long as he would actually do some of the shop work. I grinned as I thought no angry biker dude would be coming, just a bunch of wolves. I nodded as one of his friends from the other school who worked here leaned in letting out a low whistling noise as he admired the bike. I recognized him immediately, and ran up to wrap my arms around his waist. Daniel one of the few friends I had back at my old school who I didn't bug to death. I felt a deep rumble in his chest as he laughed out.

"Long time no see," Daniel said. "Girl you changed."

"I know. Hey, what happen to that scrawny little kid who I used to pick on?" I asked teasingly.

"I just let you think you could beat me up," He said being too full of himself.

I punched him in the shoulder hard, and he let out a loud yelp. He glared teasingly at me, while rubbing his arm.

"No I think I can still beat you up," I grinned.

"Hey cut his some slack," Chris hollered from across the room. He was a wolf and belonged to our pack but he preferred to hang out with humans. He also wasn't treated the same by some jerks in the pack because his mother was human, but I saw no difference as long as he's a wolf he should be treated like us. "Not everyone has 3 strong brothers they can practice on."

I chuckled.

"So about the motorcycle..." Chance butt in.

"Yeah could you try to get it done? I would like it for school on Monday to make my grand entrance back from the dead," I joked.

"Why were you gone for those past few days?"

I looked to Chris for help. He just shrugged telling me I was on my own. I grunted and then sat down. My ankle was started to throb again plus it gave me my excuse.

"I accidentally hurt my ankle in the woods," I said rolling up my jeans.

Deep scabbing gashes were covering parts of my ankle. It was all swollen and purple still, but at least I could walk. Chris was so he kicked the stool he had been sitting on and fled out the door. I pulled my jeans back into place and followed after, raising a hand up to tell the others to stay. I made my way over to where he stood leaning against his car looking for something in it.

"Hey it's not that bad."

"Not that bad. When I heard what happen to you I was furious they were going at you again. "

"Trust me its much better then it was a few d-" I was cut off by his glare. Wrong thing to say I guess.

I was one of the few in our pack who he really got along with, so of course he liked me. He was also really touchy whenever I got hurt, because he blamed himself for not being a true member of the pack. To tell you the truth I think he's only with us, because if he wasn't in a pack he would be counted as trespassing rouge and would be killed.

"Look none of this is your fault, ok? It's just there are a lot of territory issues with Steffen's." I whispered.

"Could you tell me the truth about the bike, because it really stinks of them?"

"Ok fine, but you can't tell anyone. I was sorta getting some more revenge on what they did to my ankle. I saw the bike, so I took it," I said he looked down at me.

"Are you the one they have smelled on their land?" 

I looked confused. How did he know? Shit, that's it I'm dead now. If he knows, that means he'll probably tell them.

"I won't tell as long as you promise me you won't do it again, but knowing you, you will so just please come and get me next time. Oh and if you get hurt again I'm going to have to tell your brothers."

"Fine, ready to go back in?" I asked. He nodded and let me lead.

Inside I laid down on one of the many couches they had. Chance took the bike out back so it was out of view from the street. I got a drink and started chatting with Daniel who was sitting on the other end of the couch with my feet in his lap. I was exhausted for some reason, and started to fall asleep when Daniel moved his attention to some other kid. Within minutes I was dead to the world, and dreaming of flying across the highway.

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