How? He had never met anyone who could deflect his magic, since they didn't even know it was there, really. But how could she? Unless there was a charm placed on her, which he doubted there was. Fiddleford was too unstable to use magic properly and Pacifica seemed too inexperienced.

Did she actually have magic?

"Interesting. I understand that. I wouldn't want to be behind the camera, either. You don't get noticed for your work behind a camera."

Wendy laughed at that comment as she looked to her side, still smiling.

Had he mentioned he thought her smile was nice? It was nice to see a smile that wasn't his parents scared smile or a glaringly fake one of a reporter. Wendy's was so cool and natural. It might be something he actually didn't completely hate.

"So, what's life like living with your, Great Uncle Fiddleford at his attraction?" He asked,

"Oh, it's pretty cool," Wendy answered. Robbie twitched slightly, wanting her to elaborate and continue, instead of this being useless.

"He makes us work, but when he's not watching, which is a lot, I slack with Pacifica and Gideon and we eat ice cream sandwiches. It's pretty awesome."

Gideon? He had heard that name before, it had been a while since he had heard that name, in fact, but he remembered it all too well. The white haired boy, or he would be a teenager now. He remembered years ago when the kid had retreated to working at the Archives of Mystery. He almost pitied the poor boy.

Almost. Fiddleford had always seemed to be a little strange with that tourist trap of his, resorting to hiring his great nieces seemed like something he would do, along with that other girl, Candy, he thought it was.

"Gideon, hmm," Robbie said. "I heard a rumour he's dating Mabel now."

Wendy looked confused at what he said. Perhaps she didn't know her.

"No idea," Wendy said. "He hasn't mentioned having a girlfriend at all."

She wasn't missing out. Knowing that moody teenage girl wasn't something he took pride in. She also reminded him why he didn't want to be in this town, because he would be dragged to see her and their mad family.

"It's fine. Probably just a rumour, anyways," Robbie said.

"You should hang out there with us, it'd be fun," Wendy said. "We have a huge forest behind the house and its awesome."

No, no I shouldn't.

"Perhaps," Robbie replied. He looked at his watch. If he was going to call the Northwest boy, he was going to have to do it now.

"Wendy, I don't want to appear rude, but there is something I have to take care of quickly. Would you mind if I left for a second?" Robbie asked.

"Sure," Wendy said.

"Feel free to look around," Robbie said, as he began to turn around and quickly run towards his residence. It wasn't far from there, but it was long enough he could be gone for a few minutes, and didn't want to appear rude, because he wasn't.

He stepped into the residence, his cape swishing behind him and quickly heading towards the phone. He was on a timed schedule, with no time to spare. He picked up the phone, quickly dialing the number.

What would he even say to Bill? 'Hello, I don't want to talk to you but there's these girls who seem to be able to resist and I need your help since you have probably wasted your time fawning over those journals so you might know something?' No, that sounds to blunt, you know what Bill is like.

He listened as the phone kept buzzing, he kept his other hand on his amulet, as it started to glow, as he kept listening for Bill to pick up. With every ring of the phone, Robbie felt himself get more and more impatient, and his grip on this amulet tighten.

Eventually, he heard Bill's voice.

"Hello, this is Bill Northwest! Son of the richest people in Gravity Falls and the state of Oregon, and I probably haven't answered because I'm busy, but leave a message at the beep!  Goodbye!" He heard Bill's recorded message say. This had to be recent, as his voice sounded less childish now as it had been years ago. It made him slightly interested to see how much Bill had grown up.

When the phone beeped, Robbie took a breath, and spoke. "Bill, it's Robbie. Robbie Radiance," Robbie said, dropping the accent and speaking in his normal tone. "Call me back. It's important. Don't ignore this."

With that, Robbie hung up and put the phone back down, and looked around his residence before quickly heading back to Wendy. It was then, he noticed something that might help.

an old CD case. He had found it years ago, and just kept it lying around, in case he needed it. Though he had many things he thought might be useful piled up in his residence. But this just might be useful, if he CD was still in there.

Without thinking, he grabbed it, and with swishing his cape again, he left his residence, heading back to where Wendy was. He tried to go as quick as possible, but he mad to make sure he didn't ruin his shoes by accidentally stepping in mud.

"I'm sorry about that, Wendy, but there was something pressing I had to deal with immediately. Terribly sorry, again," Robbie said, approaching Wendy, and fixing himself to his public image.

"It's fine, Robbie," Wendy said, placing her hands on one of the cameras and tilting her head back.

Robbie sighed in relief, grinning at her. "This had been very interesting, thank you for spending time with me."

"This is about the best thing I've done, since I've been so bored. The Archives of Mystery can get so boring, thanks for getting me out for a while," Wendy said, smiling back.

"My pleasure, Wendy," Robbie replied. "If you ever need me, I'm right here."

She chuckled again. "Alright, Romeo, cut it out."

He laughed dryly with her. putting the CD in his back pocket.

"I do have one question, though," Wendy said, looking at him.

Robbie felt himself stiffen slightly, beginning to get slightly nervous. "Ask away."

"Do you have actual magic or are you just a fake?" Wendy asked.

Robbie blinked. Why would she ask a question like that? He felt offended, of course he had real magic. Whooever told her differently was obviously just jealous of the fact he did and they didn't. Who would say such things? Did she believe them? Was she asking this so she could get this information to plot against him?

Robbie sighed, making sure not to overreact aloud, as that would ruin his image, instead, he just smiled at Wendy. "A magician never reveals his secrets."

"I thought you were a psychic, though," Wendy replied.

"Magic and psychic abilities, they go hand in hand," Robbie said, nodding at her. "Telepathy is a form of magic, so yes, I could be a magician."

"Huh," Wendy replied.

"It's getting late, I should go home," Wendy said. "It was fun, though, thanks for hanging out with me, Robbie. We should do it again!"

Perhaps next time will be useful, Robbie thought.

"Oh, definitely, that would be fun," he drawled, smiling at her.

He reached in his back pocket, pulling out the CD. "Just one last thing for you, Wendy."

He held out the CD to her, and she looked at it strangely. "Never heard of them before. I'll try it, thanks Robbie!" She said.

He nodded to her, before she headed the other way, as he saw a big smile on her face before she was out of sight. When he was sure she wasn't looking, he turned back to his own residence, rushing over to the phone, seeing if Bill had returned the call.

But when he got back, to his disappointment, there was not a single message, not one from Bill or any Northwest, at least.

Robbie sighed, rubbing his temples and leaning back.

I guess I'll just have to wait.

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