Chapter 7

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Challenges and Consequences

(M mature content) you have been warned. Enjoy :)

She woke with her face pressed against a smooth muscled neck. The scent of her worst nightmare filling her nose. The breaths ending in a slight purr ruffled her hair. His facial scruff scratched lightly against her head. She was stiff as a board in his tight domineering hold. She managed to slide her claw through the rope binding her wrists.

In freeze frame motion she managed to get out of his hold. Seconds ticked away like an eon. Her nerves were a mess by the time she managed to free herself. She quickly sliced through her leg bindings and made a quite dash for the door.

Her fingers had just grazed the handle when a sting arm twirled her around. Her momentum was used against her.

"Where do you think your going" the words growled out.

She was shoved face down into the bed. Tears sprang into her eyes as she righted herself and crept back toward the wall as he stalked closer. Her instincts warned her against making eye contact for long. She hissed in mock rage and intimidation. All he did was chuckle as he crawled toward her.

She made a desperate swipe and him claws lethal and extended. His large hand caught hers and once more used her momentum against her pulling her toward him and rolling her face down under him.

"Ever wondered why this is the position big cats take to mate?" he drawled lazily as he caught her hands in his grip placing his weight on her back. Her body completely covered by his large dominating frame.

"Because it makes the female hlepless. Gives the male full access to her." he rumbled.

She couldn't move if his chest didn't rise and fall she wouldn't be able to breath. "Please just get off me!" she begged her fear and panic exponential.

"I. . . I just want to be left alone. Please leave me alone." her voice broke helplessly. Pathetic even to her own ears.

"Too bad. See I like you just where your at. Under me. Your mine." he growled the last bit. His voice was annoying to her at how smooth and easy it intoned his words.

Impulsively she took the opportunity to bite into his forearm harshly. Thinking at the least he would loosen his grip. His grip not only tightened but a growl filled her ears and it was far from anger.

His teeth found her mark and bit into it once more harshly. His hands freeing hers only to raise her hips off the bed slightly. His own thrust against her. She felt his hardness through his jeans.  She released his flesh with a cry of pain and panic.

Raising her upper body was a task she could barely manage even with some of his weight off her. She desperately tried to pull away from him. His claws dug into her hips to the bone. The pain made her collapse back fully onto the bed. Her hips still raised by his grip.

His mouth released her shoulder and he rose above her. He stilled much the way any predator did trying to analyze their prey. His hardness firmly pressed against her backside.

She lay still her breaths harsh and irregular from her exertions and panic. One of his hands claws retracted to wrap around under her hips. The other soon followed in detaching the claws. She cried out each time. She made no move to struggle though. It never ended well despite her efforts.

She could see him with her face pressed into the bed. Trying to remove her self from the situation in anyway she could. She could hear his breaths even and rumbling slightly with purrs. She could feel his against her. She could smell his passions. All her sense but her eyes were overloaded with information.

"I don't think you trust me to see to your needs. I see it differently. I think I can satiate any need you have. Lets get to proving it." his finger dragged over her slit finding her clit sending spikes of never before experienced pleasure through her belly.

Her head shot up in a blurred movement. His dark chuckles filled her ears. Panic at his intentions now made clear filled her. Another long slow drag across her aching flesh sent starbursts of pleasure radiating through her again.

"No—ah!" his claws dug into her thigh as he drug his finger once more over her clit.

"Now kitten you've challenged me to prove myself to you. Don't whine about the consequences. That would be rude." he drawled dangerously.

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