Chapter 2

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Authors note: How is it so far?

Run as far and hard as you can!

She was out of New Orleans and far to the east by the sunrise. Remy had called and the adrenaline in her viens had made her unable to do much but drive and think ahead. She finally found the nerve to call him back once she was twenty minutes from the stop point.

"Cher you alright?" he asked as he picked up.

"Yes I was just to jittery to call. I'm heading out it seems." she said vaguely.

"Alright remember stay in random directions as long as you can. Get a pattern going then break it. You have about 2 months worth of time to buy yourself. Then head up to the safehouse."

"It will only buy me more time Remy. He will never stop. He will find me eventually." she said sadly.

" I understand but I wish you the best of luck. Bonne chance Mon amie!" he said

"Yeah see ya Remy." she ended the call and drove toward the storage compartment.

There she found a vehical filled with adequate luggage with clothes for varied climate. She had at least a thousand dollars in each car she had hidden across the country. She had adequate I.D. and clothes.

She had a total of 12 which gave her enough time to confuse the big bad cat. If she could buy herself a weeks time. She could have up to six months free from him.

It was as if since that night long ago shew had been living for one purpose and that was to run from him. She knew it wasn't the smartest thin to do and that it was pointless. Regardless though she couldn't simply lay down and let him take her.

She got in her car and drove north. She would keep heading both a few days then change up her pattern. She needed to confuse him. She had to or else her plan was for naught.


Victor purred to himself as he clutched his mates scarf I his free hand. Her scent was calming to him and kept his mind clear of rage. He needed a clear head for the hunt ahead. It was key to hunting anything.

She had a plan and though he didn't know what it was or what the end result was he would find out soon enough. She was smart and clever and he had to take caution.

She took after her leopard counter part. This meant she was more than willing to run until of coarse she decided to back track and strike a killing blow. Leopards were notorious for being hard to find, track, and caution was noted heavily.

They were fearless and would choose their battles on their own terms. This is what she was going regardless of what she thought. Her human side was scared but her animal side was prompting him on.

She needed him to prove himself to her. Then she would help convince the human side. He wouldn't hurt the girl. He would not let her go.though. Their mating would proceed as planned but he would not be anymore cruel than needed.

She was his and his alone. He had waited too long as it was.

'Come out come out wherever you are. The big bad sabertooth is ready to play.'

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