Stormy Nights

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"Daddy?  Mommy?" I hear a faint cry as our door creeks open. 

I try to adjust my sleepy eyes as a bolt of lightning lights up the room.  The first thing is see is Liv's face level with mine.

"Holy shit!"  I jump.

"What?!?"  Brad bolts up next to me "What's wrong?" 

Liv just stands on the side of the bed, scared out of her mind.

"I scared."  She cries, trying to climb up onto the bed.  We look at each other confused until we hear thunder.  She practically jumps out of her skin and starts to cry even more.

"Come here, honey."  I reach out for her.  She clings on to me, digging her tiny nails into my back and shaking.

"It's just a storm, princess, you'll be fine."  Brad reassures her, "It's gonna go away soon."

"Brad..."  I whisper "Did she just pee on me?"

He looks at her legs and the sheets around me, and I can tell that just by him trying not to laugh, she did.

"Okay, let's go get you changed."  I start to get up as lightening strikes again, this time waking Scar up as well, "Brad can you take her?  I can try to get Scar to sleep again."

We switch, and as I'm sitting on the edge of the bed to comfort Scar, Jack runs into the room, scared as well.  I sigh, pulling him up to sit on my lap, and wrap my arm around him.

"Mommy, why it so loud?"

"Because, the clouds are fighting with each other."  I try to make up an excuse that he'll understand.

"They not share their toys?" He asks.

I shake my head, "Nope, the big mean one took a truck from the other one, so now they're mad."

"The mommy cloud needs to help." He suggests "Like you do."

"She's trying," I laugh "She just needs some help from the daddy cloud too."

Brad walks back in a few minutes later with a newly clothed Olivia, and starts to strip our bed sheets.  I sit on the floor with the kids, trying to keep them from freaking out again.  Scar falls back asleep after I feed her, so I put her back in her crib and sit with the other two.

Liv continues to shake uncontrollably in my arms, crying harder than before with every sound of thunder and strike of lightening.  Jack tries to calm her down by telling her the story about not sharing, but she isn't buying it, and does not care at all.

"Bed's ready."  Brad walks over, picking up Jack, "Let's lay here and watch a movie."

Liv surprises me by crawling out of my arms and walking over by herself.  She seems to be doing a little better since it calmed down outside.  Brad lays down so she can cuddle up to him on his chest and she gets interested in the movie.  Jack lays with me, laying his head on my chest like he always does, trying to fall asleep.

"Storm over?" Liv asks "No more?"

"I think so."  Brad pulls her closer "Let's finish the movie."

Both kids start to get tired and Brad and I hope that we can finally get some sleep.  They start to breathe deeply as they relax, and then the inevitable happens. 

The sky lights up around the house, and everything turns black.  The tv goes off, the shriek of the power turning off scares all of us more than expected. 

Liam and Gabe run into the room seconds later, right has we go back to square one with the other 3.  Liv starts to scream and shake uncontrollably, Jack asks hundreds of questions, and Scar wakes back up.

I climb out of bed and make my way through the pitch black room, finally reaching her crib.  She's sitting up, waiting for me to get her. 

"Hi, baby."  I coo, trying to calm her.  She wraps her little arms around my neck as I walk back over to the bed.  Liam and Gabe have taken over my spot, watching their siblings while Brad tries to see what he can do about the power. 

"Here, do you wanna play your games?"  I hand my phone to Liv "You can play as many as you want." 

She hesitates for a little before finally reaching over and taking the phone out of my hand.  I watch her until I notice that she is entertained enough with that before I get up.

"I'm gonna see if dad needs help."

They ignore me as I run down the steps.  The basement door is open so I grab a flashlight and go down to find him.

"Hey, they're all okay.  How are you doing here?"

"Well, all their shit isn't helping."  He throws their toys out of the way as he continues to work in the switcher box "I think it's just going to stay out.  Maybe the transformer blew."

"Yeah, I think I hear sirens."  I walk over to a window to look out "I can see something flashing, I just don't know where it is."

"Let's go look." He pulls me upstairs to the front window.

"Wow, it looks like it's closer to the old house.  I thought that one blew last time."

"It did," he looks out at it carefully, "It looks like there's a fire this time.  That's not good."

"What's going on?"  The kids all walk downstairs.  Gabe hands me Scar and they all stand with us to watch.

"Is that the old house?  Is it on fire?" Liam asks "Is that why we lost power?"

"I don't know yet, but I think it's the transformer.  The house wouldn't cause all of us to lose power."

"It's starting to get light out already."  I sigh, knowing I'm not getting any more sleep, "This is going to be a loooong day."

"Can we go play in the mud?  Please?"  The boys ask right away "We'll take showers!"

"Fine, but if it starts to storm again you're coming right back in."

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