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"Honey why are you awake?" I notice Olivia standing at the top of the steps crying.

"I hear you." She mumbles, waiting for me to pick her up. I walk up and hold her long enough so she can calm down.

"It's too early for you to be awake, baby." I walk back towards our room "I have to start making dinner, that's why I'm awake."

I lay her down in our bed next to Brad and watch as she climbs over him to lay right on his chest.  She wraps her arms around his neck and within seconds the crying stops and she's back asleep.  I pull the blanket over them and quietly walk out.

"You too?" I sigh seeing Jack in the hallway "It's too early, buddy."

"But you up." He says sticking his arms up for me "Why?"

"Because I need to make the food for later." I start to walk back towards our room but stop "Do you wanna help me?"

"Yeah!" His eyes light up "I love food."

"Okay, well what if you make some turkey decorations?" I suggest putting him at the table "You can do that while mommy finishes the food."

I show him what to do and hand him some paper and crayons. He occupies himself with all that while I finish getting the turkey ready.  At this point if I have any more distractions it won't be ready until tomorrow.

"You want some help, Jack?" The turkey is done, the pie is waiting to go in the oven and I don't know what to do.

"No," He says drawing what looks like eyes on the turkey's head "I do it."

"Okay." I walk away, giving him his space and clean up the kitchen. If I don't do anything I'll fall asleep, and I know damn well he isn't going to be tired anymore today.

"Look, mommy!!" He runs over holding up his drawing "It's funny!"

I take it from him and can't help but laugh.  Not only is it funny to him, but he also has it missing a foot, the eyes are crossed and the poor bird is bald.

"I love it, buddy!" I hand it back to him. He walks over towards the fridge waiting for me to follow him "Hang it."

I hand him the magnets he wants and watch as he hangs it on the fridge. He does a good job, and it would be perfect if he didn't have it blocking the door opening.

Everyone else walks down a few minutes later, tired, but obviously ready for all the food later.  They keep begging me to give them some and get mad when I refuse.

"But I'm starving, mom!" Liam begs "This is child abuse! It's not fair."

"There's plenty of food in the fridge." Brad says "If I have to suffer you do too."

"Mommy!" Liv runs up to me "Food?"

"Of course, baby." I pick her up. Liam and Brad look to each other pissed.

"What?! That's not fair, mom! We want food too!"

"She's one, Liam. She doesn't know how to get the food herself."

I help Olivia decide on what cereal she wants and then take her to the table and set her with the boys so they can help her eat.  Brad sits with them since they don't help at all, and I go upstairs to get ready.

A few hours later, both our families are here. Everyone is running around the house, playing and talking. I'm working on the finishing touches of dinner.

"The whole house smells amazing, Jen." Sherry says "If the food is anything like this it'll be amazing."

"She lit candles throughout the house." Brad reveals my secret "They're all food scented. My favorite is the apple pie."

"That's cheating! I knew you weren't that good of a cook." My dad looks around "Where are they? I wanna blow them out so we know what this really smells like. If it's bad you eat it while we go out and eat real food."

"Yeah, I agree with John." William starts walking around "That burnt turkey the other year should have been enough warning for us."

"Hey that was not my fault." I defend myself "I couldn't help that I was overly pregnant and she just had to make me too sick to finish cooking."

"Well, I mean, it kinda was. You could've not been pregnant over Thanksgiving." Sherry says "You can kinda control that."

"Okay, that's all on Brad, not me. I did not choose for it to happen."

"Yeah, Brad." Jane cuts in "Why couldn't you finish dinner after she got sick?"

"It's not my fault!" He looks up from Jack after hearing his name "What am I getting blamed for anyway?"

"Nothing." I laugh "Get the kids. Dinner is ready."

We all sit around the huge table eating. The boys have comments about everything, while Jack and Liv take over the table moving from person to person.

"Did you help mommy with all of this?" Jane asks Jack.

"No. I played."

"He helped with the decorations." I add "He made a few turkeys but I'm not sure where he put them."

"I hewp!" Liv yells

"You did not." Brad says "You were sleeping with me. Remember, you took my blanket?"

"Yeah." She laughs "Daddy cold."

"That's what you're supposed to do on Thanksgiving. Let mom do all the cooking while you sleep all day." My dad adds "Sherry loves it when I do that."

"Jane loves it too." Will adds earning a kick from Jane "I used to do it every year."

"And that's why we no longer have dinner at our house."

"Does this mean next year I can sleep up until everyone gets here?!?!" Liam asks "I don't have to help at all?"

"Me too!" Gabe looks at me with his huge puppy dog eyes "Please."

"No. I don't care what your dad does, you're helping." I laugh at their facial expression "Sorry."

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