Why is he so mad?

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"Come on, honey." I pick up Olivia, who is wearing her new outfit she picked out "We'll go show daddy."

"Daddy wuv it?" She asks me.

"Of course." I kiss her forehead as we walk into our room "He loves everything you wear."

We get into our bedroom and he's not there, so Liv decides to run around looking for him.

"Daddy!" She yells running to the closet and bathroom "He here, mommy!" She points to the bathroom excitedly. Before I can get there, she runs right in to get him.

"You look beautiful, princess." He picks her up admiring her outfit "Did you pick it out yourself?"

"Yeah!" She exclaims "Jack help!"

"I think your brother loves you." Brad laughs "Is he wearing princess clothes too?"

"No. He bat."

"He's a bat?" Brad looks at her confused "Do you mean Batman?" She nods her head.

"He wanted out of the princess dress the second we put it on him." I say "He wasn't too happy with it."

Brad ignores me and goes right back to talking to Olivia. It's almost like he's mad at me, which is really weird because we haven't been arguing recently.

"You okay?" I ask him as he follows Liv out of the room. He just nods his head yes and turns around.

I stand there, trying to think why he would be mad at me, and then I see it. The tests laying on the top of our garbage can. One of my friends thought she was pregnant, but didn't want her husband to know yet, so she took the tests here and must have forgotten them. He must think they're mine, and they're positive, which makes him think I'm pregnant again. But why is he upset about it? He was excited every other time.

"Mom!" Gabe yells "I'm hungry!"

I walk out of our room and into the hall to meet him. He pulls me down the steps and into the kitchen where he "demands" a sandwich. I make him sit at the table while I make it for him, and decide to make one for Jack and Liam too since I know they'll be asking.

Brad walks through the kitchen and grabs his keys heading towards the garage door. I quickly follow him out hoping to talk to him.

"Are you leaving?" I ask "Why are you ignoring me?"

"I thought we just don't talk about important things anymore." He gets in the car "Or is that just you?"

"Brad! You're over reacting!" I watch as he pulls away. What if I really was pregnant and he acted like this? How would I feel then? Would he even care about my feelings?

"Mommy!" Olivia yells standing at the door "Food!"

I walk over and pick her up, realizing that I forgot to make her anything to eat. We go through her food until she decides on some yogurt and I put her in her high chair to eat it.

"Where did dad go?" Liam asks "Are you guys fighting."

"We aren't fighting. We're just not talking for a little." I try to explain "He probably went to grandma's. He'll be back later."

"For bed?" Jack and Gabe ask in unison. They both need Brad and I to put them to bed together, otherwise they're a mess.

"Of course. He wouldn't miss story time." I reassure them "He loves reading to you guys."

Olivia cuts into the conversation saying every possible thing that she knows how to say, and then some. We help her out with some words, but some leave no hope. She just can't say them.

"Do you want down, baby?" I ask once she starts crying "Your brothers are being mean."

"Yeah." She says quietly. I try to put her down, but she refuses to let go of me. I walk around the living room with her since I know she's tired and hope she falls asleep. Just as I'm about to take her up to her bed, Brad walks in.

Seeing what is going on, he walks over and takes her without saying a word. He walks upstairs and a minute later I hear him walking from her room to ours. I want to go up and talk to him so I can figure out why he's so mad at this, but I don't want to cause more drama when I know the boys are still awake.

"Okay, I think it's time for bed." I walk into the kitchen to see that all 3 of them are half asleep with their heads on the table. Gabe and Jack both stick their arms up for me to hold them. I try my best, holding one on each side and follow Liam. Luckily, Brad must have heard, because he's at the steps.

"Daddy, you read story?" Jack asks as he switches over to Brad. Brad smiles rubbing his back to help him fall asleep "Of course, buddy."

We get them up to their rooms and as soon as they hit their beds they're out. They don't even have their pajamas on, but they're just at home so we don't care.

"Are you gonna talk to me yet?" I finally ask Brad as we get into bed "This is obviously important."

"Okay, fine." He sits up "What else are you not telling me?"

"I'm not freaking hiding anything from you, Brad!" I try to make myself clear "I don't do that. I just wanted to tell you when it was just us. I thought you'd like that more than me just announcing it at breakfast."

"Then why did you leave the tests just laying there?" He calms down a little, believing the joke "I wanna know these things."

"I just wanted to make it special." I sniffle and fake cry "I knew it would be a huge surprise and I wanted to make it easier on you to adjust to."

"Are you okay?" He finally asks "Obviously it's a big change for you."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smile trying to hide the fact that I'm laughing "I'm still getting used to it, but I'll be fine."

"So when does 'it' get here? Do you know?"

Seeing the excitement in his eyes fills me with guilt. I need to tell him the truth. I start to cry for real, noticing how excited he is for a baby we aren't going to have.

"Jen, stop crying." He can't stand it when I cry "Look, I don't really understand what is going on right now with your hormones, but I'm sorry for acting like this. I just didn't expect anything like this to happen with us. I thought we we're being more careful with protection."

"It's Hailey's, Brad." I finally tell him "She didn't want Ryan to know until she knew it would actually be positive, so I let her take them here."

"So you aren't pregnant?" He asks.

"No." I laugh "I'm not. I even took one just to be sure and it was negative. You have nothing to worry about."

"Thank God." He leans in to kiss me "I'm really sorry for acting like an asshole earlier. If it makes you feel any better, I actually was happy when you lied and said it was yours."

"It makes me feel better, but that doesn't mean anything. We aren't having anymore as far as I'm concerned."

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