Thinking it Over

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"Go up to bed, babe." Jen smiles kissing me "I'll be up with your birthday present once I'm done cleaning." I walk up the steps, noticing all of the markings along the walls on my way; some from my birthday party tonight, but most are pictures from the years we've lived here. They all show how much our family has grown over the years, reminding me of all the exciting things Jen and I have experienced over our many years together.

The first, is of our wedding.

"I can't believe we actually did it!" Jen cries through tears of excitement and joy "We're actually married."

"I know!" I pull her closer, interrupting our dance for a kiss "I don't know how I got lucky enough to have youI can't wait for the rest of our lives."

She looks over at me, and all I can see are the most beautiful eyes in the world.  They look at me with so much fierce and strength, reminding me that I found the perfect person to spend my life with.  Someone who is strong enough to help me when I need it, someone with the biggest heart in the world, but most importantly, someone who I know I can trust my life with.

"I love you." I whisper in her ear. We're sitting at a table, thinking over the whole day, while we watch our guests celebrate us.  She leans in, kissing me sweetly, taking my breath away once again.  This whole day is a dream.

"I love you too, baby."

"Let's get out of here." I suggest, pulling her up to her feet "We can go get some food."

"Hmm, are you sure?" She looks around at everyone "They might notice we're missing."

I wrap my arm around her waist, leading her towards the door "They'll just think we went up to our room."

The frame right next to it, is a year later.  Just by the look on Jen's face I remember the day perfectly; our first "real" argument as a married couple. She made us take a picture once we were done because she wanted us to remember how we got over it.

"I was at work all day and you couldn't wash the freaking dishes!?!" She storms into the living room, where I am watching TV "I wanted to come home and eat and you couldn't even make dinner either!  You are such an asshole!"

"I did everything else you asked me to do here!  The nursery is painted!  The crib is put together!  I'm sorry I fell asleep and didn't do your precious dishes!" I get up, walking towards the kitchen "Just calm down.  I'll do them now. I'll order a pizza for dinner.  What kind do you want?"

I watch her face turning red with anger, and instantly know that was the wrong thing to ask.

"I can't freaking eat pizza anymore!  Do you want me to be throwing up all night?!? Is that what you really want? For me to be miserable?  Because you're doing a good job at getting me there!" She throws her bag on the table, stomping up the steps "This is all your fault!  I can't do anything fun anymore, or even eat my favorite food because of you!"

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