Being Neighborly

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"Hey, mom!" Liam and Gabe run into the kitchen "Can we go play with the new neighbors?"

"Boys, I told you to stop watching our neighbors out your windows!" I sigh turning towards them "What new neighbors?  Did that house finally sell?"

"I guess." Gabe answers "There's people moving boxes into it."

"Well then don't bother them, they're probably busy right now." I grab some snacks for Jack and Liv then walk to the living room "Give them a day or two."

Brad walks in a few minutes later ruining everything.

"Hey, I talked to the new neighbors. They seem really nice.  Maybe we should invite them over or something."

"See, mom!" The boys get excited "We told you it was a good idea!"

I give in, wanting to have at least one adult friend that lives around me, and let them go over.  They run out the door as quickly as possible, while Brad and I follow behind with Jack and Liv.

"Hi, I'm Alyssa." The lady, I'm assuming the mother, walks up to Brad and I "I hope the noise from us moving wasn't bothering you."

"No, not at all.  Our kids actually saw that there were new people around here that they haven't tortured yet and were begging to play."

"Aw, well I'm sure mine would love a break from helping.  Let me go get them." She goes back inside, and I turn around to see Jack halfway down the street running after a leaf that keeps bowling away.

Jesus "Jack, come back here!" I'd chase him, but I'm carrying Olivia and it's not easy to run when your kid has herself attached to you.  He picks up the leaf and runs back to me, shoving it in my pocket so it doesn't get lost. Brad laughs at him, before taking him and walking to Liam and Gabe who are waiting very impatiently to meet their new friends.

"Mommy, I play?" Liv tries to get down "I run!" I put her down, watching as she runs in a circle around me, wondering how she hasn't tired herself out yet.

"They're so energetic." Alyssa walks back out, carrying a baby "She just learned how to walk good and now I can't let her down at all or she's all over everything."

"They definitely like to explore." I laugh "It doesn't seem to stop either. She pulled everything out of my bathroom earlier because she got 'bored' and has no toys."

We talk for a while so that Brad can help her husband, Derrick move things, and the kids can run around playing.  It seems like we have a lot in common, and the kids are even close in age which is perfect because I can get rid of the boys now.

"Hey, we're gonna go over to our yard." Brad walks up to me "I'll cook something and the kids can swim."

"Okay," I look from him to Alyssa "Well, I'll take her back and get changed, but I guess just walk through the back gate whenever you're ready."

I take Olivia back so that I can help her change, and she decides that she doesn't need help. I decide to get changed while she probably plays in her room, walking in as Brad is digging through all his clothes.

"What the hell are you doing?" I walk up behind him "You never care what you wear."

"Yeah I know, but these are new people.  We haven't had a chance to scare them away yet, so I feel like we should look normal." He holds up new swing trunks I got him recently "I'll just wear these."

"Oh, so you aren't wearing that horrible hat?"

"Of course I am." He kisses me "I'm gonna go get her get dressed.  I think I just heard her jumping off her bed again."

He goes over to check on her and I quickly start to change.  I can't even get the top on before I'm interrupted, which I should have probably expected.

"Mommy!"  Liv runs up behind me "Daddy mean!"

"Why is daddy mean?"  I get my top on, leaning down to her "Why are you not wearing anything?"

"Cause I not wanna."  She replies "Daddy try make me."

"You need clothes, honey.  I'm wearing them and everyone else."  I quickly pull my bottoms on and turn to find hers "If you put it on you can swim.  If not you have to stay in here and nap."

She shrugs in defeat and stands in front of me.  I quickly get her dressed before she can run away and avoid it.   After, I carry her outside to meet everyone else, where she jumps out of my arms, running towards the pool like a crazy person.

"They're so full of energy."  Alyssa comments, watching her "You have a beautiful yard.  I love how it's set up."

"Thank you.  It took forever, but I really like how it turned out.  I come out here to escape them all the time."

"I would too."  She laughs watching the kids "You have your hands full.  I don't think I could handle 3 boys.  1 is enough for me.  The girls are so much more calm."

"Oh, it's fun.  I was definitely happy to find out Olivia was a girl.  I didn't believe it until I was holding her though."  I look over at Brad, who is sneakily listening to our conversation and laughing at what I just said "Come on, I know you didn't believe it either.  You were looking right away when she was born."

"Yeah, you're right."  He agrees "I kinda thought they were just joking with us.  I never thought we'd actually be able to have a girl."

"You have 4, right?" Derrick asks, trying to count out the kids as he watches them.  Brad nods his head "Yeah, the 4 annoying ones.  They're probably gonna be rubbing off on yours soon."

"Then we'll just have to send them over here."  Alyssa jokes "You won't even notice 3 more.  They'll blend right in."

"Honestly, at our house, they probably would."  I laugh "But I love it.  Having all the fun and laughter in our house.  It's the best."

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