Much Needed Break

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"You want another drink?!" Brad yells over the blaring music. I nod my head signaling yes.

"This is crazy." He sits next to me with the drink "I haven't been to a bar like this since before Liam."

"I haven't really figured out why people like them so much." I grab my drink "These people are all drunk and obnoxious."

"That's part of the fun." He laughs at me "We should go dance."

"We're old, Brad. Nobody here wants to see us dance."

"Just by numbers." He pulls me off my seat "Let's have some fun."

We walk out to the stage and start dancing. To my surprise, we actually fit in with everyone else well enough that we don't get laughed at. The bigger surprise is when I see Courteney and Lisa walk in.

"Oh my God!" I practically run over to them "Did he invite you?"

"Yeah!" Lisa yells "We couldn't say no."

"I'm gonna go get us more drinks. Have fun." Brad kisses me before walking away.

"Why are we just standing here?" Court starts to dance like an idiot "Let's be cool people for once."

Brad walks out with our drinks. We try to dance and drink at the same time, but we just look like complete idiots. I finish my drink and everything turns to blur.

I remember lots of laughing. Laughing, dancing, and maybe even some singing. Courteney is stumbling around me as she tries to walk while Brad and Lisa try to get her to sit down. I try to stand up, but stop as soon as the whole room spins around me. I guess I had a little too much fun.

"Let's go do something crazy!" I suggest as Brad walks me out "There's a tattoo place! Let's get tattoos!"

"You're drunk, Jen." He laughs helping me stand "We're taking them back to their room."

"So let's come back!" I follow him begging "I really want to!"

He picks me up, practically throwing me over his shoulder and helps Lisa hold Courteney up as we walk to the hotel. We make sure they're in their room and then he starts walking towards ours.

"You have to sober up before I even let you near a tattoo place." He lays me on the bed "I'll go get you some water."

As soon as he turns around I roll off the bed. All those years of sneaking out of the kids rooms are finally helping me. I make it to the room door when I hear him walking out of the bathroom.

"Shit!" I try to open the door, but between being too drunk to know which knob does what, and being scared he'll find me, I fail.

"Why are you so stubborn?" He laughs walking over "Seriously, if you just sober up we can go. I don't want you to regret this."

"Fine." I give in and take the water "But we ARE getting them."

"Okay, mom." He jokes "I think you should sleep a little. Take a nap or something. That place is probably open all night anyway."

I take is advice and go to sleep. Of course I'm fully dressed and still have all my makeup on because I'm too drunk to bother taking it off. He lays next to me, probably making sure I don't try to escape again. I fall asleep right away, and don't wake up for a good 2 hours.

"Hey, you're alive." He laughs as I try to sit up "I thought I was gonna get out of all this."

"Nope." I pull myself out of bed "I'm awake, almost sober, and still wanna do it. This was the deal."

"I know." He sighs "But you have to at least brush your hair and wash your face. That's not pretty."

I playfully hit him and walk over to the bathroom to freshen up. He was right, I look like shit, but I don't care.

"I can't believe we're doing this." He says as we walk inside "You're crazy."

"I know, but it's awesome."

"So what are we getting?" He asks after we check in "I don't think we should do names."

I go through the catalogue to see if I can find anything. There's a few cute ideas like crowns or King and Queen of hearts, but we decide on what we think is the cutest and funniest.

"So what are you getting today?" The artist asks "Matching?"

"Kinda." Brad answers "We were thinking she would get 'To infinity' and I would get 'and beyond.'"

"That's a cool idea." He gets out his supplies "Would you like to write each other's? Or do you want me to?"

"I think we should." I suggest "It makes them more personal."

We finish writing them out for him and Brad decides to go first. He lays down on the table and pulls up his shirt to his ribs where we're getting them. It doesn't take long at all for his to be done, and I can't wait for mine.

"You ready?" Brad asks as I lay down "Scared? It might hurt."

"I've had 4 kids. I think I can handle a tattoo." I try to stay still as he starts. It surprisingly tickles and is really hard not to move around. Brad isn't helping by laughing at me trying not to laugh.

"You're all done." The artist finally says "I think they turned out great."

Brad and I both get to look in the mirror at them and love them as well. We thank the artist and pay him for everything before walking back to the hotel.

"I'm actually glad you forced me to do this." Brad admits kissing me "It turned out pretty awesome."

"You should listen to my ideas more." I kiss him back "Is yours sore?"

"Nope." He picks me up "Yours?"

"Not at all." I open my mouth to deepen the kiss. He lays me down on the bed, hovering over me.

"Good, I wouldn't want it to ruin your birthday."

He lets his hands wander over my body slowly sliding my dress over my shoulders. I breathe heavier as he touches every inch of my bare body. He slowly traces over the tender skin where the new tattoo is not letting it go unnoticed. I need more. I pull on his shirt and end up tearing buttons off of it in the process.

"Sorry," I pant, not really caring.

"It's okay. This was only my favorite." he tries to sound hurt. He gets over it quickly, pulling me up and setting me on his lap. I wrap my legs around him as he pulls on my panties.

"I'll buy you a new one," I kiss him harder. He pins me down under him again kissing every crevice of my body. I fight to gain control and get his pants off. "We need these off."

"I think they can stay on," He teases me by inserting fingers. I dig my nails into his back moaning loudly.

I finally manage to get his pants off and flip us over. Letting my fingers wander all over his body, I find the band of his boxers. I push the off far enough to reach his huge bulge.

"Stop." He begs as I stroke it. I let him take control again. He flips us over immediately and gets situated.

"Condom," I remind him. He quickly grabs one and puts it on before starting.

He enters me quickly not being able to wait anymore. I moan loudly between kisses not being able to control myself. He starts to go faster with each thrust, not being able to stop.

A while later, we both fill with pleasure finishing at the same time. I pant heavily next to him, trying to regain any strength I might have.

"That was amazing."

"It had to be the best for your birthday." He lean over to kiss me "I love you."

"I love you, too."

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