Chapter 8

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The Next Morning I woke up to cook breakfast and Marquis came downstairs fully dressed

"Where you going baby?" I asked him.

"I gotta go handle some business" he replied while kissing my forehead

"Alright" I was mad because I had cooked breakfast for him and he was leaving

"I'll be back in a couple of hours" He said walking out the door

I was sitting down watching Tv. Marquis had been gone for 3 hours. my phone rang. I was hoping it was Marquis. But it was an unknown number

Phone Conversation

"Hello?" I Asked

"May I speak to Ms. Imani" the voice on the other line said

"This is she" I replied

"Hi, this is Grady Memorial Hospital calling and we wanted to notify you that Marquis has been shot" The voice said

My jaw dropped. I hung up the phone and ran and got dressed

I hopped in the car and drove way over the speed limit. I was running red lights and stop signs

When I got to Grady I parked the car and ran into the Emergency Unit

I Walked up to the desk

"Marquis Thomas" I said notifying the receptionist that I needed his room

"Maam , wait in the waiting room. He is in surgery right now. We will call you as soon as he is in a room"

I walked to one of the chairs in the waiting room. I was shaking, I was so scared. I prayed that he would be alright.

45 Minutes Later:

The doctor walked out

"Family of Marquis Thomas" the doctor said

I walked up to him, This short chubby lady came and stood by me.

"Hey darling. you must be Imani, Marquis talks about you all the time"

"yes Maam."

"well I am Marquis' mom. My name is Kim" She said sniffling, You could tell she had been crying

"Hello, my name is Dr. Brown and Marquis is in critical condition, he took 4 shots. One to the arm. Two to the leg, One to the chest."

"Okay, can we go back and see him?" I asked

"Yes he is in room 432, On the fourth floor" the doctor said.

"Okay thank you" his mom said

Me and his mom got on the elevator and went to the fourth floor.

When we got to his room and braced myself and tried to hold back tears.
We walked in the room and saw Marquis laying in the bed helpless.

I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. He was hooked up to all these different machines.
He had a feeding tube in his nose. He looked horrible
I walked over to his bed and grabbed his hand

"Hey baby" I said hoping he would respond

"Hey baby girl. stay strong for me" He said in a raspy voice

I was shocked he replied. I kissed his forehead and walked out the room to let him and his mom talk.
I couldn't let him see me cry. I was a hot mess.
I sat down on the floor in front of the room door crying my eyes out

"I'll see you later baby" Ms Kim Said while she was crying

"Okay bye"

She bent down and gave me a hug

"Everything is going to be alright. Its in Gods hands" she said trying to comfort me

She walked away and got in the elevator.

I saw a girl walking down the hallway but I didnt pay her no mind. She walked up to me:

"Excuse Me" a ghetto girl voice said

I looked up and it was some girl.

"Yeah?" I said

"I need to go see Marquis" She said

I got up and let her in the room thinking it was his sister.

I followed her in the room. She ran over to the bed and kissed Marquis on the lips

I was in shocked

"Oh no this girl didnt just kiss him" I thought

I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder . She turned around and gave me this stank look

"Yes" She asked me

"Who are you and why are you kissing him"

"This is my baby daddy" she replied

I gave her the evil eye. I think as Marquis heard baby daddy he woke up.

"Tyra get out of her man" Marquis said

"Marquis who is this" Tyra said looking me up and down.

"This my girl. Now get out."

When she was walking out she bumped my shoulder

"Oh Uh Uh" I Thought

I grabbed her hair and threw her on the ground

"Mani stop" I heard Marquis say.

I stopped punching her and I got up. She laid on the ground helpless . I kicked her in her head.

"my baby a G" Marquis said

I gave him a kiss
"Go back to sleep baby. Get some rest"

Marquis closed his eyes and was out within a matter of minutes.

A couple of minutes later I was sitting on the chair in Marquis' room and Tyra got up and stumbled out of the room

"Yeah, You already know whats up" I thought.

Here it is .

~Love You Guys

~kweenco ❤️💎💍🎀

I Fell In Love With A ThugTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon