Chapter 7

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I: Well I know now. I forgive you

I gave him soft peck on the lips .

I: Whats her name?

M: Whose name
He said it like he was confused with my question

I: Your daughter stupid

M: Oh, Her name is Cartier

I: Oh thats a pretty name. How old is she

M: 3

I: I wanna meet her

M: You Will one day .

The doorbell rang. I looked at Marquis like he should know who it was. I totally forgot Deja was on her way.
I ran downstairs and opened the door

"Hey Booo !" Deja screamed "I Missed you how you been?"

"I missed you to baby girl." I been good.

"Babyyyyyyy!" come down here

"Girl who the hell you talking to" Deja asked me

"Girl I thought I told you about Marquis"

"Boo you probably did you know I got short term memory loss" Deja said while walking to the couch

I laughed at her. "My best friend crazy thats why I love her" I thought

"yes baby?" Marquis asked while walking down the stairs

"Marquis this my bestfriend Deja, And Deja This my boyfriend Marquis"

"Okay you can go now" I said to Marquis

He wrapped his hands around my waist from behind, and I got this tingling feeling that rushed through my body.

"Let Go, Me and Deja gotta catch up!" I said while he let go of my waist

"But Ba-"

"I dont wanna hear it you got me all night so hush" I said shooing him off

He went upstairs to his office.

"You like him" I asked Deja

"Yeah, he seem cool. As long as he treat you right. Or he gon be in a ditch if he do you wrong" Deja said threatening Marquis

"Haa, you crazy, I know you would do something like that"

"So how you been girl. I missed you so much" I asked Deja

"I been good, I have to tell you something though" Deja Said

I got nervous because Deja face had this look.

"What boo?, tell me" I said

"Your gonna be having a godchild" Deja said

I was so shocked. I just asked her the first question I thought of

"Whose is it?"

"You remember my boyfriend Dajuan"


That name sounded so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who.

"You never let me meet him!" I Said sounding disappointed

"sorry boo, I thought I did"

"Its okay"

"Hey my little Peanut" I said talking to Dejas stomach

I was so happy she was having a baby.

After about 2 hours Deja left because I told her I had to get ready for my date with Quis.

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