"Hey Marinette!" I heard her voice. I started heading toward the voice, passing Alya's locker aisle.

"Oh hey Chloe! We're locker neighbors!" I told her happily. Her face lit up excitedly.

"Yay! There's the empty locker," she pointed me towards it. I thanked her and quickly unlocked it to place my gym clothes out. I changed fast, seeing that other students were beginning to leave to room to head to their gym classes.

After I was done changing, I released my hair from the pigtails and combed it with my fingers into a ponytail.

"Let's go!" She told me, grabbing my arm to take me back to where our teacher usually meets us. I followed her quickly, and I found we were doing a health unit.

"I came back the worst possible week to come back," I whined.

"No kidding," Chloe giggled. Sabrina caught up with us and displayed the tortured soul look.

"I think Alya might be feeling a little down today. I'm going to hang with her and try to cheer her up," I said to Chloe and Sabrina.

"Are you sure she doesn't need any space? Sometimes space helps a sad person," Chloe told me, and Sabrina nodded.

I was torn. Do I go with Chloe and Sabrina and give Alya some maybe needed space or do I go and help her to give her the support she likely needs? My best friend needed me. I could see it.

"I think she might need some support. I'm going to hang with her and help her deal with this terrible health unit," I told them.

"Okay. Make sure she feels better then! See you later, Marinette!" Chloe told me and Sabrina waved.

I waved back at the two of them then I walked over to sit by my best friend. "Hello Alya," I greeted her.

She looked up at me as I lowered myself to sit up against the wall beside her, "Hey Marinette."

"You know you can tell me anything, right? What's going on, girl?" I asked her gently.

"Everything is fine. I'm fine. I-I just... it's fine," she croaked at the end.

"Are you upset about the fact that it's health unit week?" I joked, nudging her on the side with my elbow softly.

"No," she mumbled.

"Or maybe that... I don't know. What's going on, Alya?" I gave up on guessing.

Then something hit me. She was upset today when she had to sit next to Chloe. Maybe she said something to Alya. Maybe it had to do with Chloe.

"I'm sorry, Marinette! I'm so so- sorry!" She exploded in tears, holding her hands over her face.

"Alya..." I began to say as I placed my hand over her shoulder. Just as I was going to continue, our teacher clapped his hands.

"Is everyone ready for our health unit?" He shouted loudly, causing me to flinch at the spit that happened to hit my face.

Alya was hiding her face in her hands as she tried to get her sobs under control. I saw Chloe looking at us with pity.

Would Chloe have said or done something to Alya?

She was good now, right?

I couldn't tell, and I hoped with all honesty that she wouldn't have done anything to Alya. Meanwhile our teacher told us to run around the soccer field once before going into a classroom to get educated.

Alya took the opportunity to run as fast as she could to avoid having to tell me what was upsetting her. What she probably forgot was that being Ladybug kept me in shape for running, so I did my best to run beside her.

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